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How to Retire Wealthy at 27 with Austin G. Netzley

Austin Netzley - Make Money Live Wealthy In this episode, Austin G. Netzley shares how he retired at 27 years old and some of the mindsets that helped him make that happen.

When Austin got into the “real world” as an engineer in corporate, he found himself in $81,000 in debt and miserable health. He actually had to call 911 several times because his health was so terrible.

He realized he needed to make a change and went about becoming healthy and learning to become an entrepreneur. He threw himself into the investing world and became so successful that he retired from corporate at the age of 27.

He’s since been traveling the world and doing only the things he loves.

Some of Austin’s tips for success:

Figure out your strengths.

Do what you’re good at and delegate the rest. It’s easier than ever with access to people all over the world who are ready to take on tasks that are not your strengths. Leverage other people and their strengths.

Self-care is critical.

As Austin tells during the interview, he was so unhealthy, eating processed and packaged foods, he had to call 911 because of a few health scares. He decided to take control of his health and now ensures he eats right and moves every day.

His exercise ritual is simply 7 minutes a day of intense exercise. Just 7!

Stop Multitasking.

You’ve probably heard this before and there’s a reason. Most of the super-successful people I know, do not multitask. Austin has one focus per week.

Fail More.

This is something I absolutely love and have talked about a lot. If you want to be as successful as possible, you must welcome failure. the most successful people fail the most. They just use their failure as a stepping stone to success. If you learn from it, you didn’t fail, you just learned how to do it better next time.

For more about Austin, go to his wealth building website here or get his book “Make Money, Live Wealthy” on amazon.


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