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Meditation for Entrepreneurs: Increase Your Focus, Productivity & Profits

Imeditation for entrepreneursn today’s episode, I share why every entrepreneur should try some form of meditation practice. It will change your business and your life.
I share principles from a Tibetan tradition that talks about the 3 parts of a meditation practice. The ground, the clouds and the fruition and how to know what stage you’re in. Most people are in the clouds which are preventing them from seeing and realizing the full potential they have.You’ll discover the why & how of meditation made easy for entrepreneurs. Tap into your full potential and get into the flow for more productivity and profit.

Scientists have proven that the way you breathe affects your emotions and that meditation is actually a deeper form of rest than sleep. They’ve also discovered that your thoughts and the emotions those thoughts bring up cloud your mind. It’s like trying to look at the world, and your business through a glass window, except the glass window is caked with mud.

How easy is it to see through a window that is caked with all kinds of stuff? Mud, debris, pollution… That stuff is the lens through which you see the world.It’s the constant inner negative chatter you’ve got going on. It affects you. It affects your emotions. It affects your clarity – or lack of clarity. It affects your focus. It affects your courage and what actions you’re willing to take in your business. Or better said, this junk clouding your thoughts and mind is stopping you from being the fully magnificent entrepreneur you can be.

Meditation helps wipe away that mud. It helps you wipe away that cloudy and negative film from the window. It brings you crystal clarity and focus.

I love to think of meditation as physical fitness for your mind. It will enable you to become more proactive, instead of reactive. It will help you laser-focus to get more done in less time. It will help you feel more connected to yourself, your subscribers, your clients and your business.

The 4 parts to this episode:

1) What is meditation and why, as an entrepreneur, you want to give it a try. It’s a bit like a diet and exercise program. You may have difficulty changing your habitual patterns of being in your business, but once you commit to doing it and see the results, you’ll be hooked on feeling more center, focused and super productive.

2) What meditation is not. It doesn’t mean giving up on your desires and all your worldy goods.

It’s not for wimps.

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Meditation is only for those entrepreneurs who want to become sacred entrepreneurial warriors, bringing more love to the world (and to yourself) through your work.

3) Did you know there are a lot of different types of meditations? One size does not fit all!

I go over:

  • active meditation – getting lost in the flow of an activity such as folding laundry,  or drumming
  • walking meditation
  • feeling meditation
  • contemplating nature meditation (The wind is my absolute favorite of the ones I mentioned in the episode)
  • physical meditation
  • creative meditation – using some kind of creativity such as painting, writing, music
  • mantras for meditation

4) My meditation challenge to you. Try one of these practices for 14 days. Click here to download your free guided audio meditation for entrepreneurs

Let me know in the comments section below if you’ll take the 14 day meditation challenge and if so, which type of meditation will you try?

And… let me know what miracles happen when you do it!


On our next episode of the Easy Online Marketing Podcast, we’ll talk about the Love Manifesto to help transform your business.

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  1. Paul Colaianni on November 4, 2014 at 2:34 pm

    This episode surprised me because I totally encourage meditation, especially for busy people like entrepreneurs! Just didn’t expect it on this show, which is a wonderful surprise! I’ve found meditation helps me get away from everything that affects me (both negatively and positively) so that I can figure out what my thoughts are without any other influences in my life. It’s a connection to myself. Love it. So glad you shared the teachings on your show. Thank you!!

    • Maritza Parra on November 4, 2014 at 3:21 pm

      Paul, that’s exactly why I think it’s so important – so I can get to the heart of what I think, feel and want, instead of playing other peoples tapes and expectations in my mind!

  2. Amber Hurdle on November 4, 2014 at 2:34 pm

    Great stuff, Maritza! I know when I started meditating it felt wonky, too. And yes…I still get monkey mind sometimes! But I tell myself that I wholly and completely love myself anyway and move on! I can’t wait for the 30 Days of LOA. I know it will be awesome. 🙂

    • Maritza Parra on November 4, 2014 at 3:23 pm

      Amber, what a great message for those times when you don’t think you’re “doing it right” and we all have them! I can’t wait for the 30 days of LOA either! *jumpingupanddown*

  3. Mary on November 4, 2014 at 4:22 pm

    Maritza, what a wonderful episode. I love meditating and some days it is easy for me, but some other times my mind keep jumping from one place to another. I am going to practice your “Active Meditation” on those days instead of giving up and feeling frustrated. I am going to start with your suggestion to focus on actions, going for a slow walk, contemplating every little thing in my way as I go. Keep up the great work. Can’t wait for the 30 days of LOA. Thank you SO much.

    • Maritza Parra on November 5, 2014 at 6:06 am

      Mary, I’m so glad this episode inspired you to try it a little bit differently! One kind of meditation definitely doesn’t work for everyone.

  4. Lydia on November 4, 2014 at 4:45 pm

    Maritza, love the content and your delivery. You are so inspiring. Today one of the golden nuggets for me is your concept of ” learning to tap into the power of ME. That is absolutely powerful. I want to tattoo it in my soul. Thank you.

    • Maritza Parra on November 5, 2014 at 11:17 am

      Lydia, I love it! That’s a tattoo I might even consider getting, if I wasn’t so afraid of needles! 😉

  5. Justin Williams on November 4, 2014 at 10:11 pm

    Awesome episode, Maritza! 🙂 Eager to try your recommendations. 🙂

    • Maritza Parra on November 5, 2014 at 11:17 am

      Thanks Justin, Would love to hear how it works for you!

  6. Christine on November 5, 2014 at 4:51 pm

    I love your comment about if you only have three minutes then just do three minutes. I keep wanting to put music back in my life, but feel I don’t have time. Well, I’m off to play music now – 3 minutes of it, because I know that playing music is always therapeutic for me. Maybe later I’ll try some of your other ideas too.

  7. Maritza Parra on November 5, 2014 at 7:08 pm

    Christine, LOVE THAT – thank you for sharing and enjoy making beautiful, magical music

  8. Anthony Tran on November 6, 2014 at 11:42 am

    I’ve always been told that I should meditate because I have an active mind and it will help clear my mind and keep me level. I’ve gotten into a routine of walking which helps me clear my mind and gets my body flowing in the morning. Great show Maritza!

    • Maritza Parra on November 7, 2014 at 9:43 pm

      Anthony, try it!! I’m just like you… restless and always on the move. It’s really helped me to stay in the present moment and create space for solutions and new opportunities.

  9. […] simple as creating a supportive ritual that is 3, 5 or 7 minutes daily. Just like I talked about in the Meditation for Entrepreneurs episode, you don’t have to turn your life over to your success rituals to get big gains from […]

  10. […] One the next episode of the Easy Online Marketing Podcast – How can Meditation for Entrepreneurs: Increase Your Focus, Productivity & Profits. […]

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