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Align Your Expertise with Your Passion So You Can Create a High-Value Offering that Sells.

You started your business because you wanted freedom, right? The freedom to be your own boss. The freedom to earn what you’re worth. The freedom to do the things you want, when and where you want to.

However, many experts and coaches are NOT experiencing this freedom.

If you’re one of them, you’re probably feeling overworked and underpaid and underfulfilled. (Is that a word? It is now – at least on my blog)

You may be thinking…

  • “Will I always have to work this hard?”
  • “Will I always be trading time for money and still barely get by each month?”
  • “Is it going to be this way for the rest of my life?”
  • “Is this all there is?”
  • “Where’s all this ‘freedom’ everyone keeps talking about?”

Are you “shoulding” all over your business?

One thing is for sure, there is no shortage of people telling you what you should do to get the freedom you want.

And if you’re like many of the experts I connect with online, you’re frustrated because the things people are telling you to do aren’t working fast enough.

They’re telling you that…

  • you should launch a podcast.
  • you should build a huge tribe or giant email list.
  • you should write an epic blog post or an Amazon best seller.
  • you should build a complicated sales funnel.
  • you should buy this new information product.
  • you should use this newest, shiniest social media tool or strategy.
  • you should launch a low-ticket course first.

When you spend your day carrying the load of “shoulds” imposed on you by others, your business becomes more of a struggle than a source of freedom and empowerment.

you are the greatest untapped resource in your businessYOU are the greatest untapped resource in your business.

It’s time to start listening to your intuition.

It’s time to follow your heart.

It’s time to trust yourself again.

It’s time to cultivate what I call your Entrepreneurial Intuition.

It’s time to STOP Shoulding!

Listen to what your heart is telling you. Look inside and rediscover your passion.

You’ll find the freedom you’ve been looking for when you combine your passion and expertise into a profitable business that is as unique as you are.trying to fit a square peg expert into a round hole system

I see so many well-meaning coaches and mentors trying to fit a square peg expert into their round hole system.

It’s the hard way of running your business.  The fact is, this simply doesn’t work over the long term.

And it’s keeping experts like you from profiting as much as you could be.

The fact is… Profit creates Freedom

If you don’t create profit, you’ll never have the freedom that you really want.

  • The freedom to do what’s important to you.
  • The freedom to serve exactly who you choose to serve.
  • The freedom to make a bigger impact in the world.
  • The freedom to connect with more of the people you know you can help.
  • The freedom to care for yourself and your loved ones.

The freedom to wake up every day and do what you want from wherever you want to.

For many soulful experts, making money isn’t your main goal.

Yet, money is necessary to create a life of fulfillment and freedom.

Your Unique Passion + Your Expertise + People You Can Help = Big Profit.

When you take your passion and combine it with your expertise and you use it to solve a problem, you can create a high-value, high-ticket group course or program offering.

Note about the word Passion: A lot of people say “But, Maritza… I don’t have a passion!” or “I don’t feel passion about anything.” or something similar.

Do NOT despair… do not allow semantics or the “right” vocabulary get in your way.

Substitute words like Flow or Curiosity for the word Passion.

  • What makes you feel in the Flow?
  • What can you feel Curious about?
  • What makes you feel Enthusiasm or Excitement?

Follow those breadcrumbs from the Universe for more joy and fulfillment in your business (and life).

When Expertise and Passion Unite

So how can you create more profit in your business, have more freedom and serve others at your highest level?

One of the fastest ways is to combine your expertise with your passion into a high-value offering that is unique.

How do you do that?

There are a few steps to figuring out what kind of high-value offering you can create that will fill your soul, fulfill your purpose and fill your bank account too.

key 1Step 1 starts with being a true expert.

Are you an expert? Are you someone who has a specialized skill or knowledge? Can you use your expertise to solve a problem for someone?

being a true expertExperts come in all shapes and sizes.

Some experts get their education at universities and have lots of letters after their names. Like PhD, MD, CPA, JD or DDS.

Other experts are self made. They dive deep into a subject and figure it all out on their own. They learn from experience at the school of hard knocks.

It doesn’t really matter where your education and experience come from. What matters most is that you can solve a problem for a segment of people.

You may be thinking “I’m not really an expert. There are people out there who are bigger experts than I am.”

Let me warn you about thinking this way.

If you allow this to stop you from launching a high-value, high-ticket offering, you are withholding your assistance and value from people who need it the most. Not only that, you are withholding more purpose and profit from yourself.

You do not have to be the ULTIMATE expert to launch an online course. You can offer your course to those who have less expertise than you do.

Imagine that there is a scale of expertise from 1 to 10.ladder of expertise

1 on this scale is someone who is beginner.

10 is the highest level of expertise achievable. The Master.

When it comes to riding horses, I consider myself a number 7 expert. My riding teachers Bi and Sofia Valenca are 10’s in riding expertise. They’ve trained the horses of Cavalia, Apassionata and last year did a spectacular riding performance in Versailles. 

As a 7, I can learn a lot form Bi and Sofia.

But I give riding workshops where I teach too. People who come to me are at a level 2-6 in their expertise level. So, although there are experts who are better than me, I am still an expert to many people and have value to share that will help them.

Even if you’re not a Master yet, there are still tons of people you can share you knowledge and value with. They’re waiting for you to create your unique offering and help them.

key 2The next step is uncovering your passion. (or whatever word you want to use!)

Think about it…

When your offering is something you LOVE delivering, and it feeds your soul and your bank account, you’ll be much more courageous when it comes to selling it.

You’ll enjoy working in your business more, and you’ll invest more time, energy and effort into making it successful.

your-passion-smWhat do you love doing so much that you completely lose track of time when you’re doing it? What excites you the most? What do like spending your time doing so much that you’d do it for free?

Do a giant brain dump of all the things you love to do and write them down. Even if they don’t really make sense for your business at first.

key 3Step 3 is where your expertise and passion intersect.

When you combine the expertise you have with your passion, you find your UNIQUE profit sweet spot.

You might be thinking, “The things I love to do could NEVER be combined into a business!” At first glance they might not make sense, but keep an open mind.

I’ve been able to combine my passion and expertise into several very profitable businesses that I love over the years.

I help my clients do this all the time too.

When I begin to work with new clients on this they often say, “I would LOVE to do that, but I don’t know if anyone would buy it.” Or, they share what they want to do with family and friends who say, “No one will pay you for that.” 

They will if you position your unique and aligned offer the right way.expertise combined with passion

Combining your expertise and passion into a viable service offering will bring you the freedom you’ve been looking for. You’ll finally have more purpose, satisfaction and profit in your business and your life.

It was an accident…

The first time I aligned my expertise with my passion and created a business I loved was an accident.

I had no idea working at a laundromat would lead me to find my first profit sweet spot. I really didn’t want to work there. But I needed the money.

I love everything about horses, and when I was a teenager I had to get a job to support my passion. I had to buy everything from my horse riding lessons to gear, to food and so on. It added up fast.

The local laundromat was hiring. So off I went.

I have to admit, I wasn’t very good at being an employee.

I didn’t like being told what to do. I didn’t like having to show up at a certain time. I didn’t like the drab, dreary and negative work environment and being stuck inside.

I liked being out in the fresh air and sunshine with my horses all day.

There was no way I could work at the laundromat forever. I had to find a way out. I had to find a way to love what I do… and do what I love. But how?
Maritza and Primoroso
I tried all kinds of different things. None of them were very successful.

I decided there was only one way I was going to be happy and have the freedom I wanted. I told family and friends, “I am going to find a way to make money with horses.”

Most of them said things like, “Don’t you know horses eat money? They don’t make money!” “You’ll never find a way to make that work.” Or “Good luck with that,” as they would roll their eyes.

Their doubt just made me more determined to find a way to make it happen.

On my Dad’s birthday, my brother and I performed a horse show for him and his friends. We put on costumes, started up some music and had our horses go through their paces. Everyone loved our performance.

One of my Dad’s friends that saw our show was on the board of the South Texas Kidney Foundation. He asked us to perform at their upcoming charity fundraiser.Maritza at the Belmont Stakes Fair

So we did. And that show led to invitations to perform at other events.

One happy day, a wife of a local attorney asked me to perform our horse show for her husband’s birthday. My teenaged brain thought, “Attorney’s make lots of money.”

Before I could really think about what I was saying, I blurted out, “We’d love to do our show for you. It will be $500.”

She agreed without batting an eyelash.

In that moment, the door to making my dream a reality opened. If one person would pay for my show, I knew I could find more!

I found a way to combine my expertise in classical dressage with my passion for being with my horses, and turned it into a business I loved.

We traveled all over the country and performed in front of tens of thousands of people over the years. Eventually, I even built a place to seat hundreds of guests at my ranch (the “Hacienda”) so we could do our shows at home too.

I proved to everyone who doubted me that creating something out of your expertise and passion is possible.

You really can find freedom in your business.

The world would be a happier place if more people knew how to do this too.

Get paid well for doing what you love

If you want to be and do your best, do something you love.

You may think there’s nothing “special” about you to make this possible. I assure you there is.

You may be so close to it that you can’t SEE your own unique, incredible, beautiful, genius gifts.

You don’t have to know exactly HOW you’re going to do this right now.Steve Jobs

Focus on what you want to create before jumping into the specifics of how you’re going to do it. Don’t let the “how” slow you down.

You will feel some resistance to this and that’s ok. It can feel hard to overcome centuries of societal and ancestral “programming” like:

  • success must be hard
  • money doesn’t grow on trees
  • no pain, no gain
  • since I love this, I would do it for free (which you should NOT do if it helps other people solve a problem or reach a desired goal)

And even after successfully launching your dream product or offering, you may STILL slip back into feelings of “Success Guilt” because of that old programming. You might contract back into those feelings. 

Stay strong.

Follow your heart and your dreams. It can happen.

I’m here to tell you right now that you can hit your Big Income Goal by combining your expertise with your passion into a business that you love. A business that will feed your soul and your bank account.

In order to live your dream, you have to do some dreaming first.

Let me know how you plan to use the 3 steps above to align your expertise with your passion (or whatever! 😉 ) so that you help more people AND love what you do every single day.

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  1. Kathy Lundborg on May 9, 2016 at 12:21 pm

    YESSSSSS!!!! Maritza, this is exactly what I’ve been working on. We simply must embrace our passions. Our world needs us to do it. If we just take the first baby steps, we will be ushered into the next…just as your story about your start illustrates. Thank you for a great post!

    • Maritza Parra on May 9, 2016 at 1:13 pm

      Kathy, I absolutely love what you are creating… AND that although it can feel a little uncomfortable revealing what you’re passionate about and how you want to REALLY show up in the world… you are doing it through your new in-person, “connect with nature and spirit” intensives in gorgeous Montana! LOVE seeing that! <3

  2. Lian on May 9, 2016 at 8:51 pm

    A thousand times YES – this is so so true!!!
    It’s amazing how once you align with your passion you become so much more empowered, convinced, and determined – not to mention creative and daring! Not only in business but in life too. It’s the most empowering way of living and giving. Thank you Maritza for for this wonderful breakdown and demonstration! Wonderful inspiring read 🙂

    • Maritza Parra on July 14, 2016 at 12:12 pm


      What you said ==> “Not only in business but in life too.”

      Exactly! Business and entrepreneurship is the best (and most challenging!) personal development journey ever and what you discover in it flows into every area of life.

  3. Martin on July 15, 2016 at 11:04 am

    Super! Inside all of us there’s an expert confined just waiting and hoping to be set free. Without passion our expert will remain small and restricted. Thanks for sharing your expertise and wisdom in yet another great post Maritza. Your formula of combining passion and expertise is the biz! I really love the way you put step one across. Great post!

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