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Interview with Jared Easley of the Starve the Doubts #podcast


In this interview Jared from the Starve the Doubts podcast shared how he almost quit his podcast and the tweet that helped him cut through his own doubts.

The fact that he pushed his own big doubts to the side and kept moving forward with consistence and persistence makes him someone I really wanted to bring on…

Since that moment when he decided not to quit his show, Jared’s podcast has been featured in and the Huffington Post as the #1 emerging entrepreneurial podcast. In his show, he inspires people (along with his guests) to go for their dreams, in spite of their self-doubts.

In this interview, Jared talks about:

  • The incredible power of appreciation and encouragement.
  • We all make our own path.
  • Connecting with your BIG WHY (one of his is Jared’s adorable daughter Lana)
  • How genuine networking can grow your business. And check out the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie. (If you want to get it, click here for a free audiobook)
  • His personal morning ritual that keeps him connected to his faith. And he shares two stories that illustrate the power of connecting to your faith every single day.

Jared is also the co-founder of the Podcast Movement which happens August 2015 – I’ve already got my ticket!


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  1. Alanna on March 3, 2015 at 2:45 pm

    This sounds like such a great interview! I am excited to listen to it!!! Thank you for sharing!!

    • Maritza Parra on March 4, 2015 at 12:28 pm

      Alanna, it’s super inspiring! Love that he shared how he almost quit…!

  2. Trudy Beerman on March 3, 2015 at 3:32 pm

    I love the title – STARVE THE DOUBTS!!! That is one time starvation is definitely in order.

    • Maritza Parra on March 4, 2015 at 12:28 pm

      Trudy, lol – You are so correct! Love it!

  3. Ann on March 3, 2015 at 6:20 pm

    I love the concept of using the power of appreciation and encouragement. When you spread those principals around they do so much good and come back to us 100 fold. I love your believe that in the world there is abundance for everyone. Thank you Maritza for another inspiring interview.

    • Maritza Parra on March 4, 2015 at 12:29 pm

      Thanks Ann… what’s super cool is that what Jared said helped him through a difficult time is exactly what he did for me… <3

  4. Russell Lobo on March 7, 2015 at 7:06 am

    Loved the episode.
    I saw that you have show notes for the podcast. Just a quick question. Do you have transcriptions too for your podcasts?
    As you know it would help with increase audience reach (some people prefer reading to listening, cant listen in office, etc).
    Also since its original and huge content (1 minute of a podcast generally has 180 words), you can target ranking on Page 1 of Google for various long-tail keywords.

    Can I make a transcription for your next podcast (for free ofcourse)?
    You can then check if it adds value to your podcast post 🙂

  5. Dean Patino on March 9, 2015 at 10:15 am

    Such an inspiring story. Goes to show how close we can all become to being on the verge of incredible success, yet not see it at all. Even though we can reach out and touch it. It’s reaching forward with belief that success is there, not doubting it. This is the difference between those who have success and those who miss out on on. Thanks for the inspiration Jared and Maritza.

  6. Jodi Flynn on March 9, 2015 at 11:52 am

    This was a fantastic interview. Jared is so down to earth and a great example of why I need to stay the course even when things don’t appear to be happening quick enough.

    You do a great job of bringing on inspirational guests, Maritza!

  7. Bob Nolley on March 9, 2015 at 2:24 pm

    Such a great episode! Self doubt is something that MUST be confronted…thanks for bringing this forward!

  8. Frank Bria on March 9, 2015 at 4:04 pm

    Jared is one of my favorite people I have yet to meet in real life. He is a great giver. Thanks so much for highlighting him.

  9. RJ on March 10, 2015 at 3:00 am

    I’ve got my ticket for Podcast Movement too and am so excited see Jared live. This episode is really cool – I love how Jared shares with you how he went toward ‘cheesy and motivational’ and that we have to trail blaze and learn on the fly – and how he stuck to it by creating an “army” through noticing and serving others.

    Great episode Maritza – I loved hearing you share with and interview Jared.

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