My Mastermind Rant – Focus on One Business First!

I’m grouchy. A couple of weeks ago, I attended a Mastermind meeting with some incredibly successful entrepreneurs making millions a year… The very last person who shared told us all a very different story. Instead of focusing on ONE business and becoming successful at that, he had been trying to branch out to 5 different…

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I'm Thankful for Love…

As we’re approaching the Thanksgiving and holiday season, I’m visiting family in Texas for a “pre-Thanksgiving” celebration with family and friends… I’ve still been working a ton while here, but making sure to take time for loved ones and friends. Yesterday I had a wonderful experience that showed me yet again…  the best gifts, the…

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Online Business Advice: Teflon Coating Your Heart

When you decide to take your products, services and business online… you must learn to “Teflon Coat” yourself! The internet is such an amazing place to: do business make friends expand your horizons and much more! It also opens you up to criticism, condemnation and negativity from time to time… and people can do it…

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What Kind of Gifts Are You Giving…?

Your words of love and kindness are gifts you can choose to give freely or you can withhold them or pass them out like crumbs every once in a while…You have an unlimited and free supply of these gifts. You can choose to give out no gifts at all by being negative and judgmental of…

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