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The Hero’s Journey is Everyone’s Journey

superhero_smHave you ever watched a movie and wished you were the hero of the movie?

Lost yourself completely that you thought you were in the movie – until the end credits brought you back to reality?

When you watch a movie about a hero, you feel excitement, fear, suspense – you feel inspired and excited and you want more.

There is a Hero inside of you.

That’s the hero part of you, waiting for you to answer the call to become a hero in your own business and life.

You don’t have to be a swash-buckling pirate saving a damsel to be a hero. You don’t have to be Diana Nyad, swimming from Cuba to Florida, to be a hero.

Being a hero can mean stepping up in your life to live more fully, taking more risks and going after more opportunities, or awakening to develop your unique gifts and creativity.

Being an entrepreneur requires you to be a very special type of Hero.

Here’s a video I love about the Hero’s Journey, or Monomyth, developed by Joseph Campbell:

The Entrepreneurial Journey perfectly parallels the Hero’s Journey.

The Hero’s Journey is everyone’s journey, if you choose to grow and make positive changes.

It can mean “showing up” more fully present in your relationships. Or taking your talents and gifts more seriously and finally taking the time and space to follow a dream.

And will there be challenges?

Absolutely. The path to becoming a hero in your own life is not challenge-free. There will be doubts, naysayers, lots of “helpful” advice, pebbles,in the path, unexpected allies and even dragons to deal with.

And that’s when you know you’re on the right path.




  1. Marie on October 17, 2013 at 1:38 pm

    Waking up the Hero part of me. That is a challenge that I will like to answer. It can be a little scary but when you put it this way ” being a hero can mean stepping up in your life to live more fully”, it becomes an irresistible proposition. Thank you Maritza.

  2. Dr. Elliot McGucken on June 27, 2014 at 3:27 pm

    Love the marriage of Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth and hero’s journey mythology to business, art, and entrepreneurship!

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