Pregnant with Stars

This pink haired woman became the inside cover of Heartwork Journaling – the book! While she was emerging from my journal, I was thinking of Heartwork Journaling and sharing it with the world. [s3mm type=”video” s3bucket=”heartworkjournaling” s3region=”us-west-2″ files=”art-videos/preg-stars1.mp4″ /] I am pregnant with stars and each person who picks up a brush to soothe their…

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Soothing swatches – a creative meditation with watercolors

Watercolors are a beautiful metaphor for life. I used to be very scared of them because they can feel very difficult to control. Just like life, right? Watercolors train you to trust. You have to just let them flow and then follow your intuition to paint. It’s so liberating.   They will teach you about…

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Equinox and the full moon – new courageous beginnings

Today is the equinox. The equinox represents half light and half dark (daylight and night) ? I’ve been thinking a lot about light and shadow, day and night, struggle and flow, pain and pleasure, endings and beginnings. . We kinda can’t fully have one without the other. As I reflect on what Heartwork Journaling has added…

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