before and after

Nice work.



Most people aren’t willing to have a look at their current state of affairs.

They don’t look at what they have because most often it’s not what they want.


But here’s the reason they don’t have what they want…


9 times out of 10 it’s because they don’t even know what they want or they don’t believe they can have it.

They are filled with excuses and complaints and haven’t even considered that they can decide what is possible.

So now the fun part…

I want you to DREAM.


I want you to think about everything you want in your life.


Allow yourself to want.


A few months ago I asked a friend what she wanted.

She gave me a very boring “more of the same” answer.


Then I said, “If anything was possible what would you want?”

“Oh! If ANYTHING was possible, I would want to quit my job, become a successful coach and move to the Rocky Mountains!”

I reminded her that anything is possible.

So I will remind you as well.

What is it you really, really want?


About a year and a half ago I decided I wanted to turn my current relationship into the relationship of my dreams.

I wanted to be a woman who never wanted to "fix", "improve" or change anything about her husband.


Notice I said someone who doesn't WANT to change her husband.


We had gone through a rough year and I remember consistently wanted him to be different than he was.

The crazy thing is that when I tried to "work on the relationship" and we went to therapy, did all the things we're socialized and told to do...

our relationship almost ended.

Joe and me

When I created a clear AFTER for MYSELF in the relationship, he became my dream man.

And now I AM that AFTER woman.

I love him unconditionally and want him to be EXACTLY who he is.

I don’t want or need to change him.


And he hasn't changed at all.

And he's everything I've always wanted.

It’s like a perfect miracle. I seriously didn’t even know it was possible.

Until I decided it was.


So think about the work we have already done on your BEFORE state of where you are right now.

Then think about what the best case scenario is for you right now in relation to that.

Maybe it’s…

  • A business you absolutely love and can make your own hours.
  • Maybe it’s being 20 pounds lighter.
  • Maybe it’s a loving relationship with your spouse or your mother-in-law.
  • Maybe it's finally publishing that book.


Whatever your desire is, I want you to let it be the best version of that desire.

  1. What is the best case situation?
  2. What do you think and believe about it that makes it so awesome?
  3. How does it feel to have it and think about it this way?
  4. How do you act and behave differently because of it?
  5. What is the ultimate result you get when this dream is reality?


This is your AFTER.


If you put your before and after next to each other, you can see the contrast.

You can see your journey.


So often we lose sight of what we want, and when we remember what is possible, we can have a renewed energy with that possibility.

What you want matters SO much.

You must know what it is specifically, and then determine how far you are from it.


Most people NEVER do this.


And then they wonder why they never get what they really want.

Clearly Envision Your AFTER

I use the Before and After diagram below to envision all the before and after areas of my life.

There is where I am and then where I want to be.


The difference between those things is my work in the world.

before and after
Example Before & After Process Diagram

As you look at this diagram, I want you to consider yours.


Grab a piece of paper.

Write down the answers from your Before Process on the left and the answers from your After Process on the right.

before and after fill in the blanks

I especially want you to pay attention to your thinking.

How is your thinking now (Before) different from your thinking when you have your desired result (After)?




So much of what I will teach you is about how you think and what you choose to think.

Your thoughts will ultimately create your results.


So what you must work diligently on is understanding how you think and how to change what and how you think so you can change.


Most of the time, we are so close to our stuff that it's hard to see what we're ACTUALLY thinking.


We confuse circumstances with thoughts.

We don't know exactly how we feel about things or how to figure out how we feel.


We confuse thoughts with facts.

Our  habituated patterns of thought are SO unconscious and our neural pathways are SO ingrained that it's hard for us to even SEE those unhelpful patterns.

coaching clients
Coaching my clients to create their AFTER is one of my favorite things.


 This is why I became a certified Life Coach.

Since I learned this, my life is a constant state of working towards a new after.


I love it.


It keeps me growing and evolving. It gives me incredible tools to help my clients and students.


Here's where I can help you.


Everyone needs help separating out our own circumstances, thoughts, feelings, behaviors and results.


You're invited to a Before & After Mini Session with me.

before doodle

An invitation to reset, refocus and get unstuck.

after doodle

It is an opportunity for you to experience a session with a certified Life Coach to see how and if I can help you make your After Vision reality.

From there, we will both see if working together is a slam dunk fit. 
If so, I'll tell you how I work with clients and extend an invitation to work with me to make your After a reality.


If you think you will do it on your own...


Really think about that.

If you already knew how to do it, don't you think you would have?


How much longer are you willing to wait to become the person who creates what you REALLY want?


Are you in?

Since you've made it this far, you know the Future You is waiting for you.

Apply for a Before & After Session now to discover how to get to your ideal After ASAP.

After submitting your application, you'll be able to schedule your date & time for the session on the next page.


Maritza, you have helped me overcome years of worry about what people might think and in effect, delayed my dreams. You have helped me heal this past year.

Tracy Hall


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