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MeetUp Secrets – The What, Why, How and What If of Successful MeetUp Meetings (This Is Powerful)

The What of MeetUps – MeetUp is a group of like-minded individuals, brought together by a topic of common interest, that you get to lead in off-line groups. You can search for MeetUps by city and topic, and you’ll be surprised at the number of meeting in and around your city or town.

The slogan on their website:

“Do something – Learn something – Share something – Change something”

 gives you a good idea of what a MeetUp can be all about.

The Why of MeetUps – When set up and done correctly, MeetUps allow you to become a “star-in-your-own-backyard” expert. You get to create your own platform and your own tribe.

No more calling around trying to get someone to put you on stage. No more wishing and hoping someone will give you a platform.

With MeetUps you get to create your own. Please don’t miss the power of that last statement. With MeetUps you get to create your own stage, following and platform.

The How of MeetUps – It would take this entire article and many more to explain all the strategies involved in creating a MeetUp that makes you a star in your own backyard.

For now, here are the 4 basic steps:

  1. Sign up online for your free MeetUp account. This takes just a very few minutes.
  2. Optimize your account as you think about your meeting from the perspective of your prospect. Focus on their desires, fears and goals, and how you are uniquely positioned to help them. Keep this focus in mind always.
  3. Lead your MeetUp meetings while keeping in mind that your two major goals are to be helpful and to position yourself as an expert resource. This is not intended as a social hour built around a specific topic. It is your platform and leadership built around a specific topic. You are the Leader.
  4. Repeat on a regular basis and watch it grow. It’s important to have a regular meeting that people can count on and look forward to. This builds both your credibility and your anticipation.

The What If of MeetUps – When you do it right, you can create your own tribe of raving fans. When you have the eyes, ears and hearts of your tribe, you can then leverage that into publicity and profits. In fact, I have one student who has converted over 80% of his MeetUp attendees into ongoing customers.


  1. […] With MeetUps you get to create your own platform. Please don’t miss the power of that last statement. When done right, it can even be a catalyst to growing your list community and getting paying customers. […]

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