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What are you waiting for? Start going for your goals today.

used to be a hesitator.

It felt like I might make better decisions if I waited, weighed all the options and made a “responsible” decision. 

It was a form of not having faith in myself or my decisions.

It was a way of NOT being committed and staying safe.

It also resulted in lots of second-guessing and self-doubt.

Now I make decisions quickly and don’t change my mind.

This means having:

  • faith in yourself
  • having your own back
  • continuing on when it gets “hard” or “uncomfortable” (which ANYTHING worth doing includes.)

It’s the responsible thing to do because through decision and commitment you cultivate the ability to respond (response-ability) to ANY circumstance or situation. 

Is there a decision you’ve been waiting to make that you could commit to today?

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