The Blog


What got you here, won’t get you there.

Growth is so fun and yet is so uncomfortable at the same time.

That’s the beauty of being human.

You can choose who you want to be and who you want to become.

One thing is sure when you’re reaching for new dreams and goals…

What got you here, won’t get you there.

For example, the previous version of me was someone with tons of half-baked ideas and projects going on at the same time.

I used to be a perpetual, perfectionistic beginner.

Rarely a finisher.

The past pain of experiencing myself not reaching goals, not turning my dreams into reality and always “starting over” helped me decide to become a finisher.


New Thoughts = New You.

To do this, I had to practice believing new thoughts.

new thoughts doodle

Some of my favorite earned thoughts that have helped me get “here” (be a self-sufficient finisher) include:

  • I only have to do one thing at a time.
  • My schedule actually gives me freedom.
  • I always have time to get the important things done.
  • If it’s going to be, it’s up to me.
  • I can figure anything out.
  • If I focus and do this now, I can fully rest later.
  • Let me just get it done now.
  • I am a friggin’ MacGyver!
  • Imperfect action gets me over the mountain.
  • Every problem is a project.

I love the fact that I’ve coached myself to get things done, to be a finisher, to make decisions and take action quickly.


The past several years, Heartwork Journaling has grown extremely fast.

I get emails and messages daily about how Heartwork Journaling is changing people’s perspectives about themselves and their possibilities.


That’s my biggest driver.

Knowing that other people can have the same growth that me, that Joe, and that my coaching clients have had.

The paradoxical growth of learning to love yourself EXACTLY as you are now and growing yourself to go for your dreams and goals, and for the sake of a whole human experience.

Which is fantastic and beautiful and fulfilling and gets me choked up with happy tears.

And is requiring me to get VERY UNCOMFORTABLE.


Because what got you here is not going to get you there.

Instead of going fast and making decisions quickly, I now need to slow down to set a solid foundation to continue to grow Heartwork Journaling without burning myself out.

I’m moving from being a solo-ish-preneur to being a CEO.

Taking a birds-eye view of Heartwork Journaling.

Setting the stage to remove myself from the day-to-day operations and moving into the visionary role.

Very different skills.

Ack! I’ve learned to LOVE the day-to-day stuff!

I’ve learned to love doing the technology stuff. (which I used to hate.)


Now I’m creating and documenting systems for other people to take those tasks over.

Creating onboarding processes.

My brain is screaming…



So I’ll have to do the same thing as before.

Create new options of thought.

When I want to behave in the ways that have brought me here, remember my new options of thought.

Right now, my schedule is full with things to do that are the foundation of hiring and onboarding new team members in a smart way.


My primitive brain is rebelling.

This morning I looked at my schedule with an “UGH” and feeling of resentment.

I put it on paper and found that I’m thinking:

Instead of relief, my to-do list grew.

So I put that in the Equation below.

what resentment creates


What that will create for me is that I don’t shrink my to-do list. (Today OR by effectively growing my team by doing this work now.)


Practice new options of thought – on purpose.

While coaching myself this morning, I found some thoughts that will help me become the CEO and spread Heartwork Journaling.

  • This work is the solid foundation for smart growth.
  • This will help me help more people than I ever dreamed possible.
  • Slowly growing a lasting team will help me create more content to help others. (For example, I haven’t blogged in a while!)
  • If I learned to manage myself, I can also learn to manage others.
  • Big growth also requires lots of time to rest.
  • It’s worth the effort to do this uncomfortable work.
  • My to-do list might grow for a little while and that’s OK.
  • People are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE working at Hearwork Journaling.
  • This work will help me create DREAM jobs!
  • It’s so worth it to put in the time and effort.
  • I’ve turned uncomfortable things into my comfort zone before.
  • I really can do anything.

Sometimes I’ll forget and I’ll default to what got me here. That’s OK. Becoming a new version of yourself is not an overnight process.


Whatever your goal or dream is, think about the future version of you.

The person who has already created that result you want.

What is she (or he / they) thinking?

Practice those new options of thought.

grow team doodle

Doodle them, remind yourself of them when you forget, create cards to embed them into your brain, heart and soul.


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