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30 Days of LOA – Are You Addicted to People Pleasing? 3 Tips to Recovery

 are you addicted to people pleasing? Do you know someone who can’t say “no”? Someone who puts their needs behind everyone else’s wants? Who may kick themselves after saying “yes” yet again? Someone who finds themselves running around like a chicken with their head cut off trying to make everyone else happy?Could this be you we’re talking about?

One of the reasons you probably became an entrepreneur is because you like to help people solve their problems. And this is a wonderful thing. The problem happens when we do this in every area of our lives, and when it cuts into your time for building your business.

And it’s really interesting that when you are your own boss, most people in the real world just do not understand that. They can’t wrap their head around the fact that entrepreneurs also have schedules and deadlines, goals and dreams to make happen. Some of my friends and family actually really have no idea what I do and that’s ok. You just have to be more careful in setting boundaries sometimes because they don’t see it as a corporate-type job they understand and are willing to cut you some slack for…

Here are 3 ways to recover from being a people pleaser so you can recover more time for your online business:

  1.     Stop saying “yes”.

It’s a lot easier to change a “no” into a yes”. Once you say “yes”, it’s almost impossible to turn that into a “no”.

Here’s something I’d like to challenge you with:

(Tweet this:)

Choose not to say “#yes” to anything unless and until you take at least 24 hours to think about it. If there’s not enough time to take those 24 hours and you find yourself always being asked to do things as an “emergency”, there’s a clue to whether you’re a people pleaser or not.

You are not someone else’s emergency solution.

For those moments, here’s another a great quote as you practice saying “no”.

Your lack of preparation and planning does not constitute my emergency. ~ Unknown

  1.     Practice waiting for a solution.

As stated above, it’s easier to change your “no” to a “yes” and if you’ve evaluated the situation and you’ve decided with some time that you really would like to help, then by all means do so. You’ll find that by waiting, you are training other people, (those who’ve come to rely on you for “yeses”), to find another solution.

You will stop being their “emergency plan”.

I have to warn you to get ready for some anger, blame, hurt feelings and recriminations. It’s ok and it’s to be expected when you’ve been allowing people to treat you a certain way. And there may be serious attempts at manipulation. Hold fast.

One of two things will happen. One, people will get used to your new assertiveness over your life and come to respect you for it. Second, they might slowly migrate out of your life.

  1.     Find another way to get your fix.

When you’re a people pleaser, there’s a payoff you’re getting from saying “yes”. It may be the warm, fuzzy (and fleeting) good feeling you get from being appreciated by the person who’s asking for a “yes”.

We all need appreciation and love but if you’re addicted to getting it from saying “yes” to things that are not good for you, building your business and your life, then there’s a problem.

Remember when you start saying “no”, you’ll feel extremely uncomfortable, embarrassed and you’ll want to instantly change your “no” into a “yes” because of the discomfort.

Don’t do it.

Stand firm.

When you realize you’ve recovered from being a people pleaser, you’ll have won a lot more time, self-respect and better boundaries in those relationships.

On the next episode of the 30 Days of Law of Attraction for Entrepreneurs seriesHow to Get Paid to Create Your Products Using Diamond Deadlines.

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  1. Sarah on December 4, 2014 at 7:41 am

    Maritza: You know I was for a good part of my life the people pleaser that absolutely could not say NO and felt very noble by trying to be everything to everybody. I worked very hard toward the success of my business and was constantly putting my foot on the break to accommodate someone else’s needs and wants. And most of the people who depleted my energy felt entitled to do so; and then…..I joined one of your courses and my life turned 180 degrees. You showed me how it was my right and my obligation to myself to take hold of my power and go forward following my intuition for my benefit and that of my clients. Great podcast, thank you.

  2. Maritza Parra on December 4, 2014 at 9:10 am

    Sarah, you know I adore you and I’m so proud of you.

  3. […] And tomorrow on the 30 days of LOA for entrepreneurs is “Are You Addicted to People Pleasing?  3 Tips to Recovery” […]

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