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30 Days of LOA – How to Deal with Haters in Your Online Business

how to deal with online haters in your business There’s a difference between constructive criticism and online haters. Constructive criticism is when you get well-thought out and reasoned opinions about your content – someone thought your content was worthwhile enough to consume and even more important to note – to send you their thoughts and opinions… that’s something to appreciate, while you might not agree with any or all of it.

Haters are when someone else just cannot be happy for your success. Rather than be happy they attempt to knock you down a notch or two. They get a perverse and sad enjoyment from it. Many times, they give their opinions with the cloak of anonymity. Sometimes, it’s because they’re jealous and sometimes it’s not exactly jealousy, but it makes them feel better about their lives to cause suffering in another person. Or attempt to, because I hater cannot hurt you unless you allow them to.

3 ways to deal with online haters:

  1. Ignore them.

    Remove them from your blog or social media. They are not worth your time. Don’t give any energy to them.

  2. Have an “I rock” file.

    This is like your mini-cheerleading section in file form. It can either be a file on your computer or a file of things you print out – and it’s full of notes, emails, social media comments from your happy customers, your happy list members. In this episode, I mentioned how to assemble what I call your “tweetimonials” – this can also be a way to have an “I rock” file, and one that you an use as powerful social proof in your business.

    To get the “How to create and use your tweetimonials” document mentioned in the episode, click here.

  3. Give some love to someone else’s online business.

    Ok, you got a hater… so now, how about turning that negative energy into something positive for someone else? Maybe it’s someone whose list you are on – you get email messages from them – or whose blog you read and you’ve never left them a comment letting them know you’re reading regularly, or maybe it’s someone who you’ve bought a product you loved from. Let them know. Your appreciation to another will go light years in diffusing the negative energy of your hater.

Now I want to tackle the other side of this hating coin: Have you been a hater?

3 tips to help you become a lover and not a hater:

(Tweet this:)

  1. Give all people a chance before you judge them.

    Give them the benefit of the doubt. You have no idea what’s going on in someone else’s life.

  2. Enjoy other people’s success.

    There isn’t a finite abundance pie… There’s enough for everyone, if you’re willing to make it happen.

  3. Open yourself up to the possibilities for yourself.

    When you are a hater, I believe that you’re at the very same time, making it more difficult for you to succeed. Because if YOU will be a hater, then that means people will hate on you too. (Kinda like Karma…)What would be possible if you:
    a) decided to come from a place of love as often as possible
    b) decided not to care what everyone else is thinking about and if anyone is going to hate you (or love you, for that matter) for it?

It’s better to be loved or hated rather than have people not care at all… If YOU are worried/scared about getting your voice out there because of what criticism may come your way, I invite you to expect it & enjoy it when it happens – it means people are listening.

You did not come here to please everyone and if you try, you might just die with your message inside…

Next episode of the 30 Days of Law of Attraction for Entrepreneurs “4 Strategies to Become a Content Creation Machine

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  1. Julisa on December 2, 2014 at 6:07 pm

    Great podcast. I am going to start my ” I rock file” to use as social proof and also to remind myself of the appreciation from my tribe when needed. Food for the soul. Thank you Maritza.

    • Maritza Parra on December 2, 2014 at 8:07 pm

      You are so welcome Julisa! It can be a very powerful thing to do, especially when you need a quick pick me up!

  2. Krister on January 19, 2015 at 9:12 am

    Great suggestions! Your 3rd suggestion about giving “Love to someone else’s online business” really resonated. I like that idea of transforming the negative energy into something positive. This way you won’t internalize the negative impact of the hater. Taking action in a positive way seems like a healthier more resilient approach and helps you keep focused on the long term rather than getting baited into short term distractions. Thank you! Good stuff!

  3. Mark on January 19, 2015 at 10:01 am

    I’ve only had a couple so far in career, but they are real energy zappers. I will start “I rock” file (and lifestyle) as well as reaching out to help others. I love that getting out of yourself and putting focus on others. Thanks

  4. Jodi Flynn on January 19, 2015 at 12:17 pm

    Maritza, I love the suggestion of turning hate to love by giving extra love to someone else online. What a great way to transmute the negative energy of a troll attack! Though being visible online means needed some thicker skin it doesn’t mean we need to become hard. I vote for spreading the love!

  5. pam levin on January 19, 2015 at 3:03 pm

    Maritza, this is such a valuable post! So many of us have experienced haters in the on-line world and this post helps to put it all into perspective. And of course, moving away from the Negative energy and doing a POSITIVE action is certainly the right karma to create! And why not? Right? Positive energy (love) is such a stronger force 🙂

  6. Dean Patino on January 19, 2015 at 3:21 pm

    Such a positive approach all the way around, thank you Maritza! I particularly appreciate the 3rd recommendation to deal with online haters. To leverage that negative energy into positive, so incredibly powerful. Making an opportunity out of it to benefit others always comes back to being rewarding internally as well. Thank you for your thoughtful insight.

  7. Pedro J. Gomez on January 19, 2015 at 8:20 pm

    A very powerful strategy. I so appreciate your refreshing message, Maritza! Thank you for a fantastic podcast.

  8. Justin WIlliams on January 20, 2015 at 2:45 pm

    Love this Maritza! I use to let the haters really effect me but I’ve come to some of the same conclusions you mention. I’ve come to realize that if no one is hating then I’m probably not making enough of an impact. One of my favorite quotes is…”To avoid Criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing” ~ Socrates

    Keep rockin it! 🙂

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