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You’ve been planted – finding hope when you’re in the darkness

This Heartwork Journaling piece was created inspired by a quote I recently heard.

Sometimes when you’re in a dark place, you think you’ve been buried but you’ve actually been planted. ~ Christine Caine

That perspective shift took my breath away because it’s something that I know is true, even when it doesn’t feel true in the midst of the dark times.

I sat down at my art table and this is what came out.



When I sit and reflect on something at the art table, I’m never really sure what’s going to happen.

Inspiration strikes and I’m guided to pick up whatever medium is closeby to focus on what I’m feeling and express it on the page.

There is always Hope.

I hope this creation video of the piece I’ve named “Planted” helps you remember when you’re in the overwhelm, feeling pressure, feeling darkenss closing in, that there is always HOPE.

Something beautiful, simple and true can grow from the darkness.

Heartwork Journaling was born from a dark time.

In fact, Heartwork Journaling actually evolved because of my anxiety and panic attacks after divorce and infertility. A few times, I even seriously contemplated checking out.

I used simple doodles and art to manage and soothe difficult emotions (and physical symptoms) of panic attacks & anxiety which are HORRIBLE.

Before experiencing anxiety and panic attacks during that period of my life, I did NOT understand them and how people could even have them. ?

planted coloring page downloadThen I started having them

Now I get to share what worked for me to help other people soothe themselves and heal.

A gift from pain.

Download a Coloring Page to Use and Remember.

Today I have a fun free gift for you – a coloring page based on this piece.

If you haven’t tried Heartwork Journaling yet, this would be the perfect thing to use.

If you’re in a season of joy right now, you can use it to look back at a time of darkness and discover all the gifts that ended up coming out of that time.

If you’re in a season of darkness now, you may not feel like pulling out the colors but BLACK is a perfect color for making cathartic, angry, frustrated marks.

Download it here and use it to remind yourself that no matter what you’re going through, you will be O.K.

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  1. Holly Tucci on October 25, 2018 at 3:28 pm

    This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL and went straight to my heart.
    Thinking of being planted in dark times made the tears well up in my eyes and helping me to see and feel that I AM strong and that I WILL grow through this season too!

    • Maritza Parra on October 25, 2018 at 4:16 pm

      Thank you so much Holly! Yes you will – you have been planted and it’s been extraordinary to watch your journey!!

  2. Cindi on October 25, 2018 at 4:04 pm

    I absolutely LOVE this!

    • Maritza Parra on October 25, 2018 at 4:17 pm

      Thank you so much Cindi!! And you’re one of the people who gets to see the full lesson of this piece, the thinking behind it AND even try your hand at it (if you want to)! <3

  3. steve maneri on October 22, 2019 at 4:38 pm

    Nice start! Thank you!

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