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Twitter & Facebook Mistakes (& What to Do Instead)

This is a great article from Jeff Herring: We all make mistakes in our marketing. It’s a big club and the only requirement for membership is to be have a business online.

At the same time, it’s seem easier to make mistakes in Social Marketing than in other forms of marketing. I think this is because Social Marketing is such a new frontier we are still making it up as we go along.

I’ve identified a few common mistakes on Twitter and Facebook and share them with you below. even more importantly, I’ve included what to do instead:

social marketing, social marketing blueprint, twitter. traffic

Twitter Marketing – Which of These 3 Avoidable Deadly Mistakes Are You Making in Social Marketing?

Do you make any of the top 3 deadly Twitter marketing mistakes? Read on to discover these mistakes and what to do instead so you can become a Twitter Rock Star.

Twitter is a great way to use Social Media Marketing to build visibility, grow your list and make profits. But you gotta know how to do it right.

I see newbies and even experienced marketers alike making the same three deadly yet avoidable mistakes. Let’s take a closer look at these mistakes and what to do instead. Click here to read the entire article.

facebook, social marketing, social marketing blueprint, jeff herring, maritza parra

Facebook Tips – Are You Making Any of These 3 Deadly Social Marketing Mistakes on Facebook?

Facebook is a great Social Marketing tool to use to build your connections and your brand. At the same time, I see so many beginners and even veterans making the same mistakes that sabotage their marketing on Facebook.

Let’s take a closer look at the top 3 biggest mistakes and what to do instead. Click here to read the entire article.

And to learn more about how to leverage the Social Networks for waves of traffic and more, get your FREE Instant Access to our Social Marketing Video Training Series when you visit

You’ll get a series of videos, audios and pdfs all about Social Media Traffic & Profits


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Maritza Parra, Dana Lynn Dunn. Dana Lynn Dunn said: RT @maritzaparra Twitter & Facebook Mistakes (& What to Do Instead) :: Maritza Parra | Think & Grow Rich | Online Bi.. […]

  2. Liz on December 11, 2009 at 11:03 pm

    Great articles and you both are right. It is ideal to find a perfect balance so it is best to be relaxed, let our personality show thru so we can connect with like minded people. Thank you, good reading.

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