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4 Steps to Launch Your Online Course

how to launch your online courseEcourses, online course, online education has been going on almost since the beginning of the internet. Now, it seems like there are ecourses on every subject under the sun.

Why? Because people love the convenience and immediacy of online learning!

A couple of years ago, I took Oprah’s first course with Brene Brown called “The Gift of Imperfection” It was a low cost course, with great production value and an overall huge success. I just got an email from then asking about what other ecourses (they’re calling them “OCourses”) I might be interested in.

Why are they doing this? Because online courses sell.

Even people like Wayne Dyer are doing online courses. I heard him in an interview a few days ago and he was touting the benefots of online education. He doesn’t have to travel, his students don’t have to travel. Everyone’s happy.

4 Steps to Launch Your Online Course:

1) You need an expertise.

In addition to having an expertise, it must be an expertise or information that people value. If you don’t have an expertise, you can “borrow” it by interviewing experts.

Now, I want to warn you. You do not have to be the ULTIMATE expert to launch an online course. You can launch your course to those who have less expertise than you do.

Imagine that there is a scale of expertise from 1 to 10. 1 is not an expert and 10 is the highest level of expertise achieved. In my riding expertise, I consider myself a number 7 expert. My riding teachers Bi and Sofia Valenca are 10’s in riding expertise. They’ve trained the horses of Cavalia, Apassionata and last year did a spectacular riding performance in Versailles. I usually spend a week at their place in Portugal (or they come to me sometimes) so that I can hone my craft and become better.

I give riding workshops too. High-end riding workshops that people who are at a level 2-6 come to me for. So, although there are experts who are better than I am, I am still an expert to many people.

Another thing you want to think about is assembling the information in a way that brings value to your target prospects. Which brings me conveniently to point number 2…

2) Your expertise must be organized in a useful way for your student / buyer.

It’s more important then ever to organize your content in a way that will most useful and valuable to your buyer.

It used to be OK to just turn on the screen capture software and “wing it”. Not anymore.

As we’ve become more and more overloaded with information, it’s become more valuable for people to get information and education in a way that is EXTREMELY well designed and produced.

I’m about to launch my brand new list building courses and we’ve spent 3 months producing this material. Doing the videos over, clarifying the content, testing it to see if it is as laser-targeted, easy to understand and implement as possible.

As experts, we suffer from the “Curse of Knowledge”. We take for granted what people already know and don’t simplify things to make sure everyone can understand it.

When you organize your course content, make sure it is step-by-step and as easy and laser targeted for your audience to be able to use. Have someone who is not an expert consume it and give you valuable feedback.

3. You need the courage to launch.

Sounds simple, right?

Get an idea, design your course, launch it.

This is actually one of the hardest parts. The more subscribers and clients I speak with, the more I realize that mindset and courage are about 90% of entrepreneurial success.

Some people work on their courses and content for years before launching. It’s almost like having a baby! It’s your idea, your dream, your expertise.

Here’s some of my best advice to ensure you have the courage to launch:

When you get criticism, and you will, if it helps you improve your course – that’s wonderful!

When you get criticism, and you will, if it’s just mean-spirited – ignore it!

4) Build your list so you have someone to launch your course to.

Yep, you probably knew I was going to bring this up, right?

If you don’t start right away to build your email list, you might not have anyone to share your course with. Your email list is your business. It’s the people you can help.

To get the 157 email list building gift ideas I talked about in the episode, click the button below and download it now!
Get 157 email list building gift ideas now!


  1. Ann on July 16, 2015 at 3:22 pm

    Maritza: my golden nugget out of this great blog is the fact that mindset and courage are about 90% of entrepreneurial success. In my opinion, this concept works wonderfully with one of your mantras: to take ACTION out of love, not fear.
    Thank you so much.

    • Maritza Parra on November 5, 2015 at 9:28 am

      YES! So true… If you have a positive and resilient mindset (which can be cultivated) you’ll move forward and take consistent, persistent action. Even the times you fail, you will learn so much that you can apply to a future success!

  2. Jodi Flynn on February 15, 2016 at 9:23 am

    Maritza, thank you for this. As I am currently pulling together the content for my next course I needed the reminder to keep it simple and don’t assume everyone is only one step behind me.

  3. L.A on February 15, 2016 at 12:23 pm

    I love your third point – Courage!
    We are so good at finding and focusing at all the reasons why not to do things, instead of looking at all the reasons for doing them. We get so caught up in our fears.
    Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable enough to take the first imperfect steps and just start are the hardest. But then, It’s only by taking that first step that we can then take the next one…

  4. Kim Doyal on February 15, 2016 at 10:05 pm

    Hi Martiza,
    #3 was my favorite… You Need the Courage to Launch.
    LOVE it!
    That’s always been more of my challenge than anything else. Fortunately I think most of those days are behind me. What’s worked for me is also just being super open & transparent when it’s the first time I do something.
    Thanks, as always, for the awesome content!

  5. Kathy Lundborg on February 17, 2016 at 9:34 am

    All points resonated with me. “Curse of Knowledge” – love it – I struggle with that and simplifying material. What I can see is creating my baby is a process and that builds the mindset and courage. My mind is creating my reality, so without the proper mindset, I won’t get far! Thank you for the great post!

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