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Product Creation Advice – Why Running is Like Product Creation

During a run yesterday, I began to think about the similarities between product creation and running. They are both about self-confidence, pushing yourself past your own fears and finding creative ways to keep yourself moving forward.

First, I have to tell you, I’m not a natural runner type of person. I began running years ago as a way to stay in my skinny jeans and because all my friends were doing it at the time. I have grown to love it and running a marathon helped me understand how strong, powerful and persistent I am.

Are You a Carrot or a Stick Person?

When you decide to tackle something big like a marathon or creating a product, you’ve got to use what works for you. Decide if you are a carrot or a stick kind of person and use either negative or positive motivation to move forward. My carrot for running is staying in my skinny jeans. My carrot for product creation is working from home in my PJs. My stick for running was the commitment to my friends, I didn’t want to be a quitter. My stick for product creation is thinking of having to work for a boss.

Break it into Smaller Pieces

During mile 17 of the 26.2 mile Disney Marathon, it began to rain. All I could hear was the slosh slosh slosh of my heavy water-logged running shoes. It was difficult to continue, but I just began focusing on each little step and moving past each one of the highway markers. Each marker I passed was a small internal victory. Before I knew it, I had completed the 26.2 miles. When the whole task of creating your own products looks daunting, break it into small, bite-sized pieces and focus only on each piece, celebrate when you accomplish it and moving forward.

Think of the End Desired Result

A few times during runs, I remember asking myself “Why Are You Doing this?” My answer was to show myself I can accomplish anything. Many times, when I feel fear or uncertainty, I’ve gone back to the feelings I had at the end of the marathon which give me strength to continue moving forward. For creating information products, I think of the automated products I already have created about Law of Attraction, horses and spirituality and the steady stream of income they provide me.

Find Companions for the Journey

It’s important to surround yourself with people who are doing what you want to be doing. When I decided to run the marathon, I joined a running club which helped me work towards my goal even when I felt unmotivated. By being with people who are taking consistent, daily actions, you’ll be inspired on a daily basis. It will also help make you stronger so negativity from other people will more easily roll off your back. You are who you surround yourself with on a daily basis.


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