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[Motivation] Think & Grow Rich: Faith

It happens almost every time.  Once people achieve crystal clear clarity about what they desire, a cloud of negativity invades their space and soon their excitement and commitment to achieving that goal is overpowered by overwhelming self-doubt.  Has that every happened to you?  Have you ever made the decision to “go for it” and then stopped dead in your tracks because you looked at the entire road and you just don’t think you can pull it off? 

 What you need is a strong sense of faith, and faith begins with a positive self worth.  When you have faith in yourself it is much easier to have faith that your aspirations will materialize.  When you hear the stories of hugely successful people, they all possess a strong sense of faith that carried them through tough times, helped them overcome obstacles, and carry on until they achieved their goals. 

 Faith is not a mystery; it’s not a feeling that magically appears to the chosen few.  If your faith is weak or seemingly nonexistent, take heart.  You can cultivate and strengthen your faith through affirmations, and by learning the powers of autosuggestion, or self-talk, the third universal success principle.  Every time you take a baby step, which includes action of some kind,  in the direction of faith in yourself, you are strengthening your faith. Faith can move mountains.  Even yours.

Be on the lookout for next week’s blog post with an excerpt from my interview with Frank Kern. We discuss how the principle of Faith has helped him succeed in his business. You can also watch my video blog post about Faith here. Also, pick up your own copy of my new Kindle book, Click & Get Rich Online: 13 Proven Success Principles To Make Money Online, Principle Two: Faith.  Enjoy!


  1. Maritza Parra on November 2, 2012 at 5:31 pm

    Will you have faith and move forward or will you stop?

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