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Product Creation Tips – 5 Ways to Get It Our of Your Head Right Now

1. Schedule a free live event on your topic.

Invite people to your event, be sure you are clear that it’s a training/educational event, not a social event, record the entire thing, hand out feedback forms to get testimonials for future use and to improve your training.

2. Use lost opportunities to move you to action.

We’ve all had the experience of seeing a product or service we thought of but didn’t take action on. Really think about the hidden costs of that lost opportunity and use the loss to get you to move into action now.

3. Turn your tragedy into someone else’s triumph.

What failures have you overcome? How can your experience help other people? Share what you did to help other people avoid or recover from the same thing. You may think it’s not important to reveal your past failures and what you’ve learned from them, but when you realize you help other people… it becomes much easier and almost natural!

4. Recruit your best friend.

Ask your best friend to interview you to get your valuable information out of your head. It’s always easier to share information with a real person rather than do a monologue. If no one’s available, paste a photo of your friend on your monitor, begin recording and pretend you’re explaining the information to him/her.

5. Announce it.

Announce when your product will be ready. Ask customers what they’d like it to include. If you don’t have customers and clients yet, announce your intention to someone you care about to help keep you accountable.

The most important thing is to begin today to get your valuable information out of your head and into a product. Scary…? Maybe, but … “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” –Neale Donald Walsch

When something’s a little scary and makes you stretch… doing it is that much sweeter…!

Entering the Gate of Antarctica - Punta Arenas - cooooold & uncomfy, but exhilirating too!

Entering the Gate of Antarctica - Punta Arenas - cooooold & uncomfy, but exhilirating too!

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