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[Business Practices] Are You Scared of Asking for Money? 2 Tips to Start Selling Now.

It happens to all entrepreneurs at some point. Fear and loathing about asking for money. You did start a business, right? Not a non-profit agency?

Maybe you’re overwhelmed with business and you know it’s time to raise your prices.

Maybe you recently started your business and you’re simply scared of asking for money. Especially if it’s for something you love doing and would do for free.

Tip 1 – It’s not a service to your client if you’re not asking for the sale or you’re undercharging.

Think about it:

Scenario one: you get the best advice from a friend that could solve your problem immediately.

Scenario two: you find the “head guru” in that area and you invest a big fee for the same advice.

Whose advice will you take seriously and implement? The one you invested in! Weird but true. And after getting the great advice from your friend, you’ll probably end up feeling guilty and resenting them when you don’t use it. All because you never made an emotional and financial commitment to take action.

By giving your stuff away for free or cheap, you’re devaluing it and it will help no one.

Tip 2 – Put some emotion into it. Why are you in business? No, really… the REAL why. Not just, I don’t want a “real job” or “no one else would hire me”.

Did you want your business to allow you and your spouse to stay home and work together? Was it to have schedule flexibility and freedom? To be able to make more money than you could in a job? Send your child to college, care for your elderly parents or save for retirement?

Think about your real emotional reasons and know that if you don’t ask for the sale, you won’t reach those real goals. Then ask for the sale. Every time.


  1. Marie on July 10, 2012 at 5:02 pm

    Maritza, you always hit the nail on the head. I have learned that if I don’t ask for the money, I won’t be able to share my gifts and talents with people that can benefit in their own businesses.
    For me it doesn’t come naturally so is something that I need to re-enforce often. I know that I can always count on you to keep me on track being my most productive self. Thanks a lot.

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