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[VIDEO] Think & Grow Rich: Specialized Knowledge

Good Morning!

This morning I want to share my favorite Think & Grow Rich principle: Specialized Knowledge. Why is it my favorite? 

Because specialized knowledge is your unique offering to the world.

You already have your unique value. You have a combination of experience, knowledge, talents, skills, tools and perspectives that is unique to you.

And while you may not value your experience and specialized knowledge, other people do! Tapping into and using this specialized knowledge will allow you to create revenue and ultimately more freedom in your life…

Watch the video below and discover your specialized knowledge today!



  1. Elizabeth Jones on October 10, 2012 at 1:53 pm

    I believe Napoleon Hill would have enjoyed your video series and maybe even requested an interview. I am glad that you keep these principles out there as a reminder for me to use what he taught us so long ago but relevant today. Thanks Maritza

  2. […] helped her succeed in her business. You can also watch my video post on Specialized Knowledge here. Enjoy! Categories: Business Practices, Click & Grow Rich Online, Entrepreneurship Tags: […]

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