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Monday Morning Motivation: Do You See You Are a Lion…?

Have You Been Conditioned to Fail?There’s an ancient story about a lion cub who was separated from his mother right after his birth…

A crowd of sheep came upon him and since he was so small and frail they adopted him. They nourished him and weren’t afraid of him at all. The tiny cub had no idea who he really was, he assumed he was a sheep because that’s all he saw.  He grew up walking among the sheep, eating what they ate, being afraid of what they feared.

lion cub

Sheep never walk alone, they always crowd around each other, they are afraid to be alone because it’s dangerous to be alone…

Lions never walk in a crowd, they always walk alone. They have a big territory. Lions are not afraid.

This little cub grew and grew and had no idea who he really was. He became larger and larger but the sheep were used to him and were not afraid. Although he was a strange sheep to them, he was still a sheep. He liked to be in the middle of the crowd, so he could feel safe, he never roared like a lion because if you don’t know you’re a lion, how can you ever roar?

One day an old, wise lion came upon this crowd of sheep. He couldn’t believe he saw a young, huge lion in the middle of the sheep. The old lion ran into the crowd of sheep, the sheep scattered and panicked, the young lion tried to make scared sheep noises… The old lion, with great effort, caught the young lion and dragged him from the crowd. The young lion was crying, resisting and thinking he was going to die.

The old lion dragged him to a pond and asked him to look in… where they were both reflected.

Suddenly, there was a transformation. The young lion realized the sheep was not a reality, it was a false idea programmed by his society.

The young lion lifted his head and a great roar was heard for miles around… The old lion said “My work is done. Now you know who you are really are.”

My question for you is: Have you been conditioned to live up to (or down to) the expectations of other people around you…?


  1. Maritza on May 17, 2010 at 1:47 pm

    If I had listened to most people around me (friends and family) I probably wouldn’t be able to work from anywhere in the world! And feel like what I’m doing is not work! 🙂

    Fulfilling your purpose and going after your heart’s desire is not always the popular choice for those around you, but I wouldn’t have it ANY other way!

  2. Jeff Herring on May 17, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    With each decision and each day, this is a great question to ask:

    “Am I a sheep or am I a lion?”

    Pretty cool that we have the choice…


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  4. zhaliey on May 17, 2010 at 2:13 pm

    An interesting angle of this story is to remind us that we can assimilate to those around us-if we never doubt our connection to them.

    Although there are always differences between lions, and lambs-we all exist for the same purpose; to live our best life. We all work in groups to up their survivor rates, need guidance to reaffirm who we are, and though we may be born to roar-we may live a life with those who bleet-or whatever you call sheep noises.

  5. Maritza on May 18, 2010 at 12:44 am

    zhailey, I like that – we all no matter lion or lamb exist to live our best life!

  6. Bruce on May 21, 2010 at 11:06 pm

    If I had listened to most people around me (friends and family) I probably wouldn’t be able to work from anywhere in the world! And feel like what I’m doing is not work! 🙂

    Fulfilling your purpose and going after your heart’s desire is not always the popular choice for those around you, but I wouldn’t have it ANY other way!

  7. Kylie Batt on May 24, 2010 at 1:07 pm

    ??? ?????, ?????????….

    A crowd of sheep came upon him and since he was so small and frail they adopted him. They nourished him and weren’t afraid of him at all…..

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