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Inspiration – Dealing with the Personal Pebbles in Your Journey. 4 Steps to Keep Moving Forward…

Motivation and inspiration for moving forward  What happens when “real life” happens to you and you’re trying to start or grow your online business? It will happen. No matter how strong or capable you feel, when disaster strikes in your personal life, it can be difficult not to allow that to seep over into your business.

Here are 4 steps to stay on track, even through tough times:

  1. Deal with your personal stuff – Sometimes entrepreneurs create a “tough as nails” veneer and carry this into all areas of life. It’s ok to be vulnerable, scared or disappointed. Make sure you take a little time to cry, gnash your teeth, hit a punching bag or shake your fist at the sky. Get it all out and then compose yourself and move forward.
  2. Simplify – When things in your personal life turn chaotic, it’s time to simplify so you can see and deal with what really is important. Get rid of responsibilities that are not imperative right now and declutter your personal and business space. It’s in times of change and chaos that you most need to think clearly and this allows you to do so.
  3. Create quiet time – Along with simplifying goes consciously creating time to think, rest and renew yourself. Think of a cocooning caterpillar, hiding from the outside world.
  4. Appreciate – Life isn’t perfect but there can always be something to appreciate through the bad times. Try starting a Journal of Appreciation, writing a few lines or a page each day of what you have to appreciate. Sometimes, it might just be that you are breathing or the sun is shining. This can help you focus on the good in your life so you can keep putting one foot in front of the other.


  1. Maritza Parra on March 23, 2012 at 10:46 am

    No matter what happens in your life… never give up and never stop moving forward. Even if you have to get it all out first with a run or a big cry! It’s OK and happens to all of us!

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