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30 Days of LOA for Entrepreneurs: The Transformational Power of Your Personal Rituals

personal success rituals for entrepreneurs As an entrepreneur, you will always be going through more challenges than the average person. There is constant change and risk involved. Personal success rituals are key to keeping the clarity, momentum, and growth going in your business.

They can dramatically increase your productivity, decrease your distractions and double what you get done every day. They can help you be more present in the now.

Success ritual principle 1. (Tweet this:) Managing time during your business day is really about managing yourself.

Creating a way to manage your self allows you to feel that you’re more in control. When you feel out of control… it’s difficult to feel inner calm, clarity and happiness – which is supportive of success.

Success ritual principle 2: chaos on the inside translates to chaos in the outside.

Creating your success ritual can inner calm, presence and stillness to help you operate more often within the NOW.

Success ritual principle 3: Your future can be a continuation of your past, or you can do something different to generate new thoughts, new feelings and new ACTIONS.

When you do this, your future does not equal your past, it can surpass it because you are creating that environment of success, rather than going reactively through your business day. Your future is better because you have a more productive now and your future becomes something new, something better that you have a hand in creating.

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Creating & committing to a personal success ritual is key to more productivity, profits and meaning in your business.

In this episode, I go through the 6 step process of my “Cocooning” ritual that has helped me and many of my clients bring clarity to the next steps and to get unstuck! Listen to the 5 steps of the cocooning process in detail at 5:56 in the episode.

The Cocooning Process

1. Choose to make the time.

Sound simple YET most do not do this on a consistent basis. Choosing to commit to a daily (it’s ok to miss here and there WITHOUT guilt) as simple as creating a supportive ritual that is 3, 5 or 7 minutes daily. Just like I talked about in the Meditation for Entrepreneurs episode, you don’t have to turn your life over to your success rituals to get big gains from consciously creating yours.

2. Create a quiet space.

There’s so much outer noise and things poking at us for our attention that sometimes it can be difficult to listen to what’s going on inside. To listen to what your intuition is guiding you towards. If you are going to tap into your own power, you have to make the quiet space so you can actually hear yourself. Your true empowered expanded self, not your small scared contracted self.

3. Declutter your space in every way.

It’s difficult to think when your space is cluttered with too much stuff. Look around your office space. This is your sacred business creation environment. Is there anything there that is not supporting your success? Get rid of them. Give those objects to charity. Now, this one is a little harder but can lift a lot from your plate. Look at your relationships? Are there any that need to be redefined, or any that need to gently fade into the sunset? You know.

4. Meditation practice (that works for you).

“One size does not fit all” in Easy Online Marketing episode 5 I shared the importance of finding some type of meditation that works for you as an entrepreneur whose time is at a premium.

5. Journal of Appreciation.

This is not your regular “negative” journal. This is a completely empowering journal. Fill up a page with things you have to appreciate – outside of yourself AND things to appreciate about yourself. We live with so much negative internal chatter, it’s important to remind yourself of how amazing you are.

I don’t care how many failures you think you’ve had. (Remember, failure is a courageous act.) You are amazing. You are a dreamer, a “maker-of-things-happening” and this supports your feelings of empowerment early in the day.

6. Listen.

You are the greatest untapped resource in your business. You’ll hear me saying that over and over – so get used to it. When you create the space to honor yourself and your journey as an entrepreneur, you create the environment for big ideas and the courageous action to turn them into reality.

I’ll see you here tomorrow for the next episode of the 30 Days of LOA, Tap into the Profit Power of Surveys.

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  1. Dean Patino on November 24, 2014 at 9:43 am

    I’m such a big proponent of the success rituals you have laid out Maritza and speak to on this podcast. My favorite is number 3! A great piece of gold to embrace for charting a great path forward. Thank you!

    • Maritza Parra on November 24, 2014 at 10:56 am

      Ah yes #3… how did I know you would be great with that one? 😉 I actually have made a deal with my whole family – no gift giving, we just spend time together during holidays. Experiences together are our gifts (and the photos of course!). I don’t want to have to shop and figure out something to give them and I don’t want “gifts for the sake of gifts” cluttering up my space!

  2. Karen Osburn on November 24, 2014 at 10:31 am

    LOVE love love, Maritza! Consistent Rituals are a big time challenge with little ones, but I will do my best to work on these some more each day. Great suggestions-thank you!

    • Maritza Parra on November 24, 2014 at 10:58 am

      Karen, I’ve read research on the power of teaching children, even really young ones, the power of mindfulness and stillness – even meditation. It showed all kinds of benefits for brain and mood. How about trying to integrate them into it? There must be some kind of meditation for children type products out there… (and if not, maybe you can create them?) 🙂

  3. pam on November 24, 2014 at 11:43 am

    Count me in on Cocooning!…thats when I am most creative the those juicesl just flow. There are great practical guidelines here Maritza and that Quiet Time you speak of is so very essential. It allows our true essence to be revealed. Thank you for these great reminders !

  4. Chuck Wang on November 24, 2014 at 12:45 pm


    You have nailed it again! Simple yet difficult to maintain. I am guilty of veering off the “routine” frequently even though I know it’s importance.

  5. Phat Le on November 24, 2014 at 2:18 pm

    Great job Maritza! Saving the best for last! (Listenting) 🙂

    • Phat Le on November 24, 2014 at 2:19 pm


  6. Jodi Flynn on November 24, 2014 at 3:32 pm

    This is such an important ritual and one we as entrepreneurs often overlook because we’re so busy “doing.” I loved the concept Michael Gerber spelled out in The E-Myth of the Dreaming Room. We all need that space to get quiet and connect with our self or we’ll likely fall off course and not realize it until we’ve paid the consequences.

  7. […] On the next episode of the 30 Days of LOA for Entrepreneurs – The Transformational Power of Your Personal Success Rituals… […]

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