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[Social Media Marketing] Twitter Surveys – How to Find Out Exactly What Your Followers Want Before You Create Your Products

Did you know that Twitter is a great resource for doing Market Research? When used strategically, you can use Twitter to survey your followers and find out what they most want to learn.

What most marketers do

Most marketers make a huge mistake when they begin to create a product or service. They (sometime arrogantly, always foolishly) believe they know what their market wants. They then proceed to spend days, weeks, months and even years creating a product only to discover that they are the only ones that wanted it.

Then they get discouraged and frustrated and quit, saying that Internet Marketing does not work. When in fact it is most marketers that do not work intelligently and strategically.

I don’t want this to happen to you.

What I want you to do

The smart marketer asks the market what it wants before creating product or resource. In this way, when the product or service is ready to launch, there are hungry people waiting for it because they had a part in the creation.

Enter Twitter Surveys

This is something I created to find out exactly what my followers want to know, before I create a product or service for them.

One of the greatest things about a Twitter Survey is that because Twitter is so immediate, you get an immediate response from your followers.

And your followers feel honored to be asked, which makes them much more likely to invest in the product when you offer it.

Step 1 – Your Tweet – Here’s what your tweet might look like (remember, you only have 140 characters):

What’s your biggest question about (a topic in your niche)?

For example, I recently asked my followers what product they needed the most help with in creating. I thought for sure it would have something to do with video. I was surprised to discover what they most wanted to know about were ebooks.

Step 2 – Your Link – Then include in your tweet a link to your actual survey. Sounds like an obvious thing to do, but I have seen people leave this part out.

Step 3 – Your Survey – Use SurveyMonkey to create a survey for your followers. Create no more than 3 – 7 questions, including both opened ended questions (more than a few words to answer) and closed ended questions (yes/no, a, b. or c).

Step 4 – Your Answers – Compile your answers. Create the product or service they are asking for. Deliver it and profit.

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  1. April Gregory on June 26, 2012 at 1:58 am

    Great article! I’ve not used twitter with survey monkey –it makes so much sense! I’ve asked questions from twitter followers but I’ve never even thought to use survey monkey to collect the data from them.

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