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3 Powerful Reminders From Nature When Business Feels Like a Struggle

Ok, I admit it.

Business can be hard…

It is the most eye-opening personal development journey EVER.

It will challenge what you believe about:

  • yourself
  • how you show up in the world (or not…)
  • what is really important to you (or not…)
  • how willing you are to get uncomfortable and be courageous…
  • your mindset and attitude – ESPECIALLY when things get difficult OR you are just starting out.

social media snapshots - perfect lifeIn today’s age of “Social Media Snapshots” it can feel like it’s easy, breezy and perfect for everyone BUT you.

That’s NOT true.

Every single person who has success in ANY area of life, and especially in business, has struggled at times to make their success happen.

Struggled a lot. These struggles may arise from internal resistance or from external resistance.

Internal resistance is that negative inner chatter or the paralyzing fear that overcomes you when you are trying something new and WAY out of your comfort zone.

External resistance can be the “helpful feedback” and advice you get from family and friends upon learning of your latest business promotion or idea.

I’ve found that it is PRECISELY within the struggle and the resistance there are incredible GIFTS.

It’s only in those places that you get the LASER FOCUS, CLARITY and INSIGHTS that take you to higher heights…

…Only if you don’t give up.

The Tiny Seeds of Your Business Growth.

Nature has such beautiful examples of how this works.

Every dream – or step towards the fulfillment of your dream – starts with a tiny seed of an idea or inspiration.

I’ve been journaling about this lately to remind myself as I create something BIG and NEW.

Maritza and PrimorosoIt’s close to the Dancing Horse Show Events that we do here at the Hacienda but with a twist – and NO horses – yikes!

A new Experience (yes, with a capital “E”)  targeted at entrepreneurs, tour groups as well as corporate groups coming to San Antonio for events.

It’s WAY out of my comfort zone! I’ll be using these 3 reminders for myself so I thought it would be helpful to share them with you!

This is the very beginning of life for that seed.

Here are my reminders to help you through the difficult times:

Reminder 1 – To grow, this seed must be placed in fertile soil.

Usually that means dirt, mud and even fertilizer. Fertilizer is made of some really YUCKY stuff like horse manure.

Sometimes, you will be surrounded by this yucky stuff. Which will give you the lessons, the fortitude, the strength to continue to move towards your dreams every single day.

The manure makes the seed grow stronger.

Yet, you won’t see anything happening from this covered up seed for a while. Maybe a long while.

Longer than you prefer…

To make the soil even more fertile, surround yourself with people who believe in your and your dreams. Be careful of complainers or worriers who may have loving intentions.

Definitely steer clear of those who do not have the courage to forge their own path to make their dreams reality.

business dreams are seeds that growsReminder 2 – There will be periods of darkness where it looks like NOTHING is happening.

This seed will be covered up by the dirt and manure.

You may water it daily.

Talk to it, nurture it, give it the optimal conditions and requirements for it to grow.

You may strain your eyes trying to see if ANYTHING is happening.

Day after day after day….

For a time, absolutely nothing will be visible. You may believe the seed died.

Keep watering it with your inspired action, faith and belief.

Be consistent in watering and fertilizing it…

If life happens and you do skip a few days, it will be forgiving.

Begin again where you left off.


Reminder 3 – The seed will struggle.

This is a guarantee.

I don’t know of any business that hasn’t gone through struggle, growing pains, failures and disappointments.

The struggle is where you will gain CRYSTAL CLARITY on what is working and what isn’t working.

The growing pains are the contrast to help you define the exact value you give with your business and how you want to be delivering that value.

The failures will make you and your business stronger. They are the opportunity to zig-zag to something even better.

The disappointments are times when it’s ok to cry, punch a pillow or gnash your teeth.


It’s ok to feel it.

Keep growing.

For a while, you will see NOTHING.

Keep going.

One day, you will see a shoot pop up…

And then it’s time to celebrate.

And keep going….


  1. Rita on April 28, 2016 at 7:22 pm

    I love the way you separate external from internal resistance. It is important to acknowledge them both and work them separately as they show up in our business life.
    Thank you Maritza.

    • Maritza Parra on May 3, 2016 at 5:59 pm

      Rita, they are both VERY real and can stop us… especially internal I think 🙂

  2. Mary on April 29, 2016 at 7:48 am

    Maritza, your reminder is right on target for me. As I wait for results from a new project, I go from impatient to worry to unsure and when I’m doubting myself, I’ll imagine the tiny green dot beginning to grow to bring me back to hope, faith and confidence. Very encouraging!

    • Maritza Parra on May 3, 2016 at 6:00 pm

      Stay focused, put blinders on… most of the time while the green shoot is growing under the soil, people get bright and shiny object syndrome and then it has no chance!

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