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Equinox and the full moon – new courageous beginnings

shadow moonToday is the equinox. The equinox represents half light and half dark (daylight and night) ? I’ve been thinking a lot about light and shadow, day and night, struggle and flow, pain and pleasure, endings and beginnings.
We kinda can’t fully have one without the other. As I reflect on what Heartwork Journaling has added to my life (and now to people who I’m sharing it with) it struck me that it was born from the most painful time of my life.

Monday is a full moon. The significance (in a nutshell) of this one is that you will be supported to be courageous and act from a place of passion.

Over the last few weeks I’ve been frustrated with some of the technology glitches in publishing with Amazon. Last night I took it to the art table and reflected on the equinox, the play between shadow and light in life and these 2 moon images are what came out.

Early this morning, they told me that the book is now ready! Woohoo!

shadow followed by light…

struggle followed by release…

frustration followed by excitement…


Here’s to the dance between your shadows and light and to beautiful new beginnings with have the COURAGE to follow your PASSION.


  1. Rita on September 22, 2018 at 6:34 pm

    Maritza, this is beautiful. Love finding the balance between light and dark, Here it is for a wonderful fall full of new, brave adventures.

    • Maritza Parra on September 26, 2018 at 1:28 pm

      Aaah love that Rita – thank you for often chiming in here. Love and appreciate your comments.

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