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Product Creation Tips – Are You Making Any of These 3 Deadly Information Product Creation Mistakes?

I get to work with lots of people who have dreams and goals about creating money making products. Most times, these products could be helping other people be more successful while putting money in your pocket at the same time. So why is it only some people actually get their great product ideas out of their head and turn them into products that you pay over and over again?

Mistake #1 Letting Your Fear Take Over: Ay Chihuahua! It always hits, doesn’t it? When you finally get on your way to going after your big dreams, the negative inner and outer voices (like family, for instance…?) Try to make you think of reality. What to do instead: Look for success stories of people who have created products and realize that they are regular folks just like you. If they can do it, so can you. Don’t allow other people’s fear to control you.

Mistake #2 Taking the Complicated Route: Don’t make things harder than they have to be. Your products do not have to be perfect right out of the gate, they simply have to exist. You can continue to tweak and improve them based on your customer’s feedback. Just get your product created as soon as you can, before you see someone else making money with the same great idea while you’re still in the idea stage. What to do instead: Create your product as soon as you can. If you know what to do, it only takes a few hours to go from an idea to a finished product to a sale.

Mistake #3 Not Learning From Someone Who’s Already Doing It: Just like you aren’t going to learn how to be a business whiz from your college professor (sorry, Professor Knowitall!) You’ve got to learn what to do and exactly how to do it from someone who is actually walking the talk. What to do instead: Find someone who is making money the way you would like to and learn to create products that can duplicate your efforts for years to come.

Remember this quote when you begin to make excuses for not creating your product today…

“It is only as we develop others that we permanently succeed.” – Harvey S. Firestone


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