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Success and Mindset – 6 Ideas to Help You Stay on Track With Your Goals and Dreams

Most times your dreams are forgiving, as forgiving as your lawn. You can ignore it for a while, when you get discouraged and don’t take any action towards your dreams, but if you start taking those small daily actions your dreams, like your lawn will respond.

It’s just like the green grass. If it doesn’t get watered for a while, it turns yellow, you think it died and then suddenly after a few rains, it’s abundant, lush and green looking like nothing ever happened to it. That’s how your dreams and goals respond. Even if you’ve been in a very negative place for a while, if you’re discouraged, you can find hope. You can begin to look for things to appreciate and ways to take action to bring them to life again.

Here are 6 ideas that can help you stay on track taking action to making your dreams reality.

1. Everything you want already exists.

2. Patience.

3. Making peace where you are no matter where it is.

4. Live within each current day as much as possible.

5. Realize you’re doing great no matter where you are, right now.

6. Don’t engage in comparison with other people, unless it’s beneficial to you and usually it isn’t.

Keeping these 6 statements in mind will help you make your dreams become reality more easily and quickly even though it may not seem that way at first. It is finding peace where you are right now.

It’s about accepting and finding something to appreciate and take action on, whatever your present circumstances may be, not so you can just accept it but so you can drop the feelings of need and angst that we all sometimes get that can make us throw up our hands and give up altogether. And that’s when our dreams become brittle and lifeless like the unwatered lawn.

It’s a bit of a paradoxical balancing act. It’s about finding peace, acceptance, self-love where you are right now, releasing the need for things to be different right this second. So you can attract and create something different and better.



  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Susan Mazza and Peter Moreton. Peter Moreton said: RT @SusanMazza A great post by @maritzaparra on Success and Mindset – A quick read that is really worth it! […]

  2. Melody Campbell, Building Your Coaching Business on September 16, 2009 at 6:12 pm

    I was recently shocked to discover that even though I was “living the life of my dreams” my left, logical, linear brain had taken over and squeezed the right, creative, emotional, dreamy brain right out of the picture. Was really weird to suddenly realize that I was no longer truly dreaming, planning yes, but not dreaming.

    A wonderful friend who is also a coach encouraged me to nurture my creative energy. There is not enough room here, nor do I think I’ve yet learned how to articulate the amazing transformation my life has taken from the inside out all because I’ve just begun to entertain my creative presence that lives in side the same body as my logical planner self.

    The words of encouragement to “stay on track with your dreams” is like leaving the light on for some logically worn out creative soul who has had the life squeezed right out of them by being too practical or trying to measure up rather than remain inspired.

    Let this comment be added light to that weary soul to step out of what is considered “conventional” and just let your self play for a while – nurture your creative self and “water” your dreams.

  3. Omar on September 17, 2009 at 11:34 am

    Hi Maritza,

    Some excellent points you have here. For me, the most challenging of these is patience. It is also the most important. So many people are looking for quick results. Doesn’t matter if they are looking at weight loss or at making money – it needs to be now.

    However, everything takes time, effort, and consistency. We just need a little patience.


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