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[Business Practices] Entrepreneurial Risk-Taking: Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

There’s one thing I’ve noticed most people are not willing to do when embarking on their entrepreneurial journey…Becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Starting and growing a business is all about risk. And taking risks requires you to get really uncomfortable sometimes. If not, then why call it a risk?

Risk is defined as “exposure to the chance of injury or loss, a hazard or dangerous chance.”

An entrepreneur is defined as “a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.”

So, you cannot be an entrepreneur without taking risks. That’s what being an entrepreneur is all about. If you’re somebody who wants to start a business, you should know this because you’re going to have to stretch your risk-taking / uncomfortable muscle quite a bit. By taking risks, I don’t mean to be stupid, but to get really comfortable being uncomfortable.

If you’re already in business, and you don’t like the results that you’re getting, maybe you’re not taking the right kinds of risks. Maybe you’re playing it too safe.

Next time you have the opportunity to be more visible online and get your business seen by others, take it. Use social media and video to get the word out.

Will you be criticized? Yes.

Hey, even Gabby Douglas has been criticized extensively after winning the Olympic gold medal for the best all around female gymnast. For her hair! Criticized for something that has absolutely nothing to do with her hard work, perseverance, and talent.

Get comfortable with being criticized for your entrepreneurial efforts. It will happen and, when it does, the best thing you can do is celebrate. When you’re criticized, it means you’re taking the risk of really being seen, by your prospects and critics alike. That will do nothing but help your business!


  1. […] Getting over my fears and doing what scares me is something I’ve gotten really good at, from riding stallions who could hurt me, to taking my bath & beauty products to the Dallas Market Center, to breeding and selling my first horses as a teenager (yes, I’m a Texas horse wrangler), to being interviewed by Oprah, to speaking on HUGE stages (after getting over severa panic attacks) – ALWAYS and with 100% confidence, I can tell you that there is no way I would have ever had the success I’ve been blessed to have WITHOUT feeling the fear and doing it anyway… […]

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