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Your Limiting Beliefs – 3 Ways to Stop Making Excuses in Your #Business

stop making excuses in your online business

Have you ever discounted another entrepreneur’s achievements or blessings?

Ever said or thought: “Wow what you’re doing is so cool, I wish I could do that.”

When what you’re really thinking is, “Well, that might work for HER, but that wouldn’t work for me because of X…”

Everyone has done it.

Make excuses as to why someone else:

  • is more successful
  • has a bigger list
  • makes more money
  • has a bigger social media following
  • gets on big stages to speak
  • etc, etc, etc

In this episode, I tell a story that highlights how someone used me as their excuse to not take massive action. (I’ve been that person, too!)

What happens when you do this is that you are using someone else to justify your limiting belief.

Here are 3 way to stop doing that and stop making excuses as you start and grow your online business.

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1. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.

If you truly want to be a successful entrepreneur, you are going to have to become comfortable with discomfort. If you don’t, it’s better for you to get something safe, like a 9-5 with a paycheck every 2 weeks. Not everyone is cut out to have their online business. Only you can choose to do those things that feel uncomfortable and will grow your business faster.

Here’s the really, really cool part – Think of your comfort zone as a muscle. If you don’t work it and stretch it, it’s going to atrophy. You’ll continue to get more and more uncomfortable and fearful.

If you do work it out regularly, your comfort zone and your courage will grow. That’s an asset for your business.

2. Find someone to be accountable to.

Preferably someone loving, yet firm. Tell them your plans, including specific dates for completion.

If you have a list, you could let them know your plans and use that as mega-accountability.

3. Throw a Procrastination Bomb at it.

Start now. Maybe you can’t reach the entire goal right now but you can certainly begin. Keep it simple. What is the minimum you can do to get started and feel like you’re on your way? Break the larger goal into teeny tiny itsy bitsy tasks and get at least 2 of them done.

Next time on the 30days of LOA for Entrepreneurs – “4 Steps to Using Visualization to Grow Your Online Business.

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  1. […] Next time on the 30 Days of Law of Attraction for Entrepreneurs: it’s day 14: “Well, That Might Work For You, BUT…” or, 3 Tips to Stop Making Excuses in Your On… […]

  2. Dean Patino on February 4, 2015 at 9:29 am

    I really appreciate you addressing this one Maritza. Yes, we have all been there before and surely when it comes to the excuses. With your sage guidance here and positive support, it’s very uplifting to overcome the feeling sorry or overwhelmed. Thank you as always for taking this one head on, it’s very uplifting!

  3. Daniel Vasquez on February 4, 2015 at 9:53 am

    Great analogy! Thinking of my comfort as a muscle…it makes me realize that its only sore for a little while but I can work through it.

  4. Bob Nolley on February 4, 2015 at 11:01 am

    Procrastination s the worst of enemies! Breaking the big task down into small bites in the way to start. Thanks, Maritza!

  5. pam levin on February 4, 2015 at 1:49 pm RIGHT on this one…excuses just STOP us in our tracks 🙁 My fave is Get Comfortable with the Uncomfortable. Easy to say…challenging to do,..but truly a great mantra if we are to move forward. Thank you!

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