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30 Days of LOA for Entrepreneurs – Day 3 – Reverse Engineer Your List Building Gift

reverse engineer your list building gift One of the biggest questions people who want to begin an online business and sell their products is how to actually make any money since it seems everyone is giving away free stuff online.They ask “Why would anyone actually buy anything if you can get everything for free?”

There’s several reasons people will buy your products and/or services:

  • To get great, distilled, laser-focused information – instead of having to wade through tons of information to find out what they want to know.
  • To learn from a true expert – yes, there’s lots of free info online, but how much of it is good, how much of it is up to date, how much of it is from someone with the expertise or true, direct experience.
  • To learn from YOU – they’ve become part of your online list community and they know, like and trust you – and want to get your curriculum broken down in an easy-to-digest-and-implement way.

Most prospects will not buy the first time they find you online….

This is why list building is key to build your community. It’s vital to build a relationship with that community, so you have the opportunity to serve them through your products and services.

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Reverse engineer your list building gift so it leads to #sales – you are in #business, right?

Many entrepreneurs aren’t doing a great job at building their list. In this episode I walk you through several different examples of reverse engineering your list building gift so that it naturally flows into your products and services.

It’s like that little pink spoon at the ice cream store. You want to give a yummy, SMALL, enticing gift to your prospect. A portion of those who have a taste will end up buying your products and/or services. So make that taste great!

Click here to download one of the “Reverse Engineer Your List Building Gift” exercises I mentioned in this episode.

And have fun with this… Make sure your gift is short and sweet and relevant to what you’re actually selling.


On the next episode of the 30 Day series of Law of Attraction for Entrepreneurs our topic is becoming a master at online video.

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  1. Dean Patino on November 19, 2014 at 8:29 am

    So wise, really like this tip, thank you Maritza! Reverse engineering a list building gift, such a powerful approach you shared here. As usual, I’m enjoying every single episode of your fantastic podcast!

    • Maritza Parra on November 19, 2014 at 9:17 am

      Thanks Dean! It doesn’t have to be as hard as people sometimes make it – most already have a great gift that leads naturally to their paid products!

  2. Marie on November 19, 2014 at 9:17 am

    Maritza, I love the reverse engineer concept. I found out about it first in your interview with Frank Kern in your book. I had the opportunity to see you and Frank on stage showing the audience how to actually follow the process from beginning to end.
    You are so right when you say: The best road to a successful business is a responsive and engaged list. Reverse engineering our list makes so much sense and is key to building that list and connecting efficiently with our community.

  3. Michael on November 19, 2014 at 9:49 am

    Love the framing the list building gift as the free taste of ice cream – great analogy. Thanks for the insight. The backward pass method you describe is a great exercise to go through, going to try it myself right now 🙂

  4. Daniel Vasquez on November 19, 2014 at 11:39 am

    Thanks for the “What not to do” as well as the examples that train our thoughts to build our list building strategy.

  5. Chuck Wang on November 19, 2014 at 12:16 pm

    You hit the nail on the head. Call it what you will… a manifestation map, an actionable vision board, or why bother with plan B – just call it. Ms. Maritza, you called it!

  6. Lydia on November 19, 2014 at 3:26 pm

    Maritza, love every episode of your podcast. Great, ready to use information delivered with contagious enthusiasm. Can’t wait to hear tomorrow’s.

  7. Elaine on November 19, 2014 at 5:39 pm

    I’m about to listen to this episode, I can’t wait it’s top of my learning curve at the moment. Thanks for more great podcasts Maritza!

  8. […] Next time on the 30 Days of Law of Attraction for Entrepreneurs, we’ll discuss the ways to reverse engineer your list building gift. […]

  9. […] like you reverse engineer your list building gift so that it naturally flows into your products and services, you want to do the same with your […]

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