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Smart Business Practices – Letting Go

One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make, particularly in the beginning, is trying to do everything. They think they are the only ones who can “do it right” or they’re bootstrapping it. So they end up trying to do absolutely everything and don’t want to delegate tasks to others.

Here are 3 ways to help you let go:

1. Make a “Stop Doing” List – We always make “to-do” lists. I want you to make a “Stop Doing” list. What are those things that you do not need to be doing? What are the small tasks that are worth $10 an hour that are robbing you of taking your products and services to more people?

2. Bring on an Intern – You have a real business, right? (I hope you answered “yes”) Most colleges and universities have programs that place students in internships. Submit your business and then choose the student who has the best qualifications for the tasks you need. You get free help and they get valuable real life training.

3. Find a Low Cost Contractor – One of the best places to go is Craigslist. Be extremely clear on what you expect from candidates. Ask each applicant to do something extra when applying. If they don’t do it, you can discard that person and focus on those who will take your direction. Make sure to have them sign a contractor agreement. You can easily find online templates created by attorneys for these for a very low cost.

In today’s world it’s easy and inexpensive to find somebody to do the stuff you shouldn’t be doing or those things that aren’t your strengths. Focus on those important things that are going to bring you more business so you can actually grow! And learn to get comfortable with letting go.


  1. Marie on January 15, 2014 at 5:15 pm

    I enjoy very much reading your posts and always find something practical, helpful or inspirational. My big takeaway today is the ” Stop Doing ” list. We all take steps that are not necessary or duplication of tasks or tasks that can be easily delegated to someone that can do them as well or even better while liberating our time to do what WE DO BEST.
    This is going to be part of my New Year resolution. My time is valuable and I need to use it applying my special gifts and talents. Thank you Maritza.

  2. Ann on May 19, 2015 at 9:38 am

    Maritza, I needed to hear this NOW. I find delegating very difficult but I know is very important in order to grow and to give me time to do what I do best. I hear you tell us over and over the importance of having a good team in place to maximize results. Thank you.

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