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[Marketing Opportunity] Belief in Possibility Can Attract Amazing Opportunity

Success, Motivation, Positive ThinkingThe second amazing marketing opportunity that came to me through the Law of Attraction was soon after my event and dinner with Mark Victor Hansen. This opportunity is one that thousands of people, if not hundreds of thousands, would pay a LOT of money for, or spend a LOT of time chasing! All of a sudden, one day, it easily fell right into my lap.

I have been on a journey of self-improvement and self-discovery for decades, and I had recently been doing live Law of Attraction trainings. I began teaching people how I used the Law of Attraction to transform my life and to rid myself of anxiety and fear and to create instead a new life of inner peace, more abundance and renewed relationships.

One day when I was getting ready to go teach my Law of Attraction class, the phone rang. I looked down at the caller id, and it said Harpo, Inc. I remember now that I had been consistently happy, full of appreciation and joyful in all the miracles I had been creating. A thought passed through my mind like lightning, “Yeah, that could happen.” That is another “hidden lesson” about the Law of Attraction; belief is a very powerful thing! Belief can move mountains.

I answered the phone. It was a producer for Oprah’s XM Radio show! She began asking me about my Law of Attraction training meetings, my experiences in applying the Law of Attraction, and about my Law of Attraction students. She asked if I would make myself available to be interviewed by Oprah herself. Of course! So, she called me a few days later to set up the date and time for the interview.

Another powerful opportunity manifested out of thin air! On the day of the interview, I was excited to be able to share my success and to inspire other people. Before the interview, the producer of the show asked me not to mention any specific products or websites. Honestly, I was just happy to have the experience of being interviewed by one of my heroes!

During the interview, Oprah and I had such a great time talking about my experience applying the Law of Attraction, about finding inner peace, self-empowerment, more abundance, creating happiness and consistent joy. At the end of the interview Oprah said, “It’s so nice to talk to someone who really gets it!” And then, the next words out of Oprah’s mouth were, “What’s the name of your website?” That’s a Serious Law of Attraction Manifestation. I was having fun; I was appreciating the experience with no expectation for what I was going to get out of it. And then, the Universe dropped an enormous gift into my lap.

And it can be that easy!

I was having fun; I was joyfully giving to others. I did want “Big Things,” but I didn’t specify exactly what. I let the Abundance come to me in any form that it wanted to take. And, to be honest, I probably wouldn’t even have asked for something SO BIG! The most important thing is that I did not allow myself to get frustrated, saying, “Hey, I’ve been waiting for a while! Where the heck is my big break, my opportunity, my Abundance, my stuff!?!?” I did not say and feel, “I want it to happen NOW.”

Never give up your sense of positive expectation and of belief in the possibilities! Worrying, doubting, and getting frustrated makes the Law of Attraction stop in its tracks from bringing you what you want.

I had recently purchased several domain names thinking about putting up a website for teaching the Law of Attraction someday. I still remembered the difficulty of getting my first website up so long ago and I was pretty reluctant to go through that again. There were so many headaches – paying a lot for the site, waiting for the web designer to have time to fit me in, and having to contact him when I wanted to make simple changes. Now I have learned how to put up websites whenever I want – for almost nothing.

When Oprah asked me for the name of my website, one of the domain names flew out of my mouth instantly! After the interview was over, I thought to myself, “Oh my goodness, I had better get a website up before the interview airs.” I knew I only had a few weeks before the air date, and the Universe pushed me into finding a way immediately.

I had a wonderful surprise! I found out that really can be easy to get an effective online presence! A website can even be free. Hosting is low-cost and easy. You can use a shopping cart, or you can use PayPal. You don’t even need a website to begin! There are free and easy tools to create an effective site for Law of Attraction Marketing. I was able to get my website up before the interview aired. I launched my podcast, and I began creating amazing relationships with my listeners.




  1. Marie on May 2, 2012 at 1:34 pm

    I got a while ago your: Law of Attraction Action Secrets. I refer to it to this day. You are so right, the secret to it is in the Action part along with the positive expectations and believe in the possibilities. I keep it in a place at hand because it helps me tune up my mindset when needed, and take action.

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