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[Marketing Opportunity] Use the Law of Attraction to Create Opportunity

In the mid-1990s I paid a small fortune for business training, creation of a logo, and paperwork and everything I thought I would surely need to look like a professional in my chosen field.

I realized that I needed to start finding people and telling them about my business. I researched and joined all different types of business groups and associations with expensive dues and terribly boring gatherings, trying to drum up business.

Nothing much came of those efforts – a client here and there – but it was like pulling teeth!

So, I decided I needed a website!

I contacted several web designers and got quotes that were all pretty high-priced. I finally chose one developer and he put up a website for me. Unfortunately, I realized that it was an expensive and ineffective site. No visitors came, and I had to spend most of my time marketing myself and now marketing my website too!

I kept on chasing business. I kept on lowering my prices. I was doing what everybody else was doing. I joined different networking groups. I asked many people for referrals. It was painful, it was slow, and it was ineffective. Most people that I spoke to did not need me or want my services at that time, and I was absolutely exhausted.

When you are focused on chasing business and Abundance, you end up vibrating in NEED and repelling them both.

I was getting frustrated. I needed to have clients, and I really needed them fast. I began doing better but it was still a lot of hard work.

So, after all of this time of trying to get my business to grow and to finally give me the freedom and abundance that I was looking for when I started. I was almost ready to give up because it was just too hard to chase clients and customers. I felt like a pest. I was tired, and I was getting scared. Then, I got divorced and experienced debilitating panic attacks and anxiety.

There is a principle in the Law of Attraction that I call Negative Spiraling. It is very easy to cultivate this negativity and really spiral out of control. Things just get worse and worse and worse. This was all happening before I learned how to stop a negative spiral dead in its tracks!

Then I found the Law of Attraction. These principles changed my life. The funny thing is my Mom had been trying to teach me these principles my entire life. It is just that sometimes, you cannot listen to Mom.

I really began applying the Law of Attraction and miracles truly began happening in my life.

I began to have more fun.

I cured myself of the panic attacks.

I reconnected to my most powerful spiritual self.

Amazing opportunities began falling into my lap effortlessly.


  1. […] Sometimes you can be your own enemy when it comes to attracting customers. The Law of Attraction is key to successful marketing opportunities.  […]

  2. […] Law of Attraction doesn’t have feelings, it doesn’t have judgment, it’s doesn’t make […]

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