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[VIDEO] Think & Grow Rich: Persistence

Good Morning!

It’s time to talk about Principle #8: Persistence

I’ve seen and experienced a lot of failure, giving up, procrastination and not following through on something even though I knew I wanted it! Can you empathize?

I cannot express how important persistence is to your ultimate success. Persistence is what ties all the the other efforts (principles) together on this path to success. And without it you won’t stay the course…

This principle is perfectly displayed in the “Drip Theory” that I have developed over the years of teaching. It began when I was visiting Chilean wine vineyards a few years ago. The farmers use drip irrigation over a period of eight years before the vines are ready to be used. This drip irrigation allows the small persistent growth necessary to develop a strong vine. It is the same in your business!

Your dreams, your desires and your goals are like seeds and its your responsibility to water the seeds of your dreams with your faith, trust, belief and your small daily consistent actions…and here is where the “Drip Theory” comes in…

Watch the video below and learn more about the “Drip Theory” and how you can implement it into your daily life and steadily see your business succeed!



  1. Lydia on September 10, 2013 at 10:49 pm

    Thanks, Maritza. Another excellent message. This “stuffed sausage” needs to step away from info overload into persistent action. Again, thanks for the reminder.

  2. Karen Belland on January 10, 2014 at 9:47 am

    I am so grateful to have stumbled onto your website! your drip theory is Exactly what I have been reading about and started practicing in my business just recently. My mindset is changing daily because of those daily ‘drips’.

  3. Laura on February 14, 2014 at 8:19 am

    Maritza, I love the way you share your adventures and the lessons learned with all of us. This reinforces what you always say: consistent persistence. As I’m working today and in the future I will remember: drip, drip, drip..Constant effort works.

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