The Blog


It’s a Boy! Hope Springs Eternal…

Last night, Esperanza, one of my mares (whose name just happens to mean Hope in Spanish), gave birth to a foal… a beautiful boy! I think it’s a great way to illustrate the process of “giving birth to your dreams”

When you follow you heart and take action towards creating the life you really want, there are periods of expansion (when it feels like nothing can go wrong & you’re in the “flow”)…

Then there are periods of contraction, when things feel more difficult, some fear and doubt can set it…

but it’s important to note that when a miracle is being borne, both processes are important for the birth of the dream (or in this case – the foal) to occur!

More videos soon when the little guy is testing out his new legs & he isn’t so darn sleepy… he did have quite a journey last night so I thought it was best to let him laze around…

Let me know by commenting below if this video resonated with you… and if you have a boy name suggestion for me here at the Hacienda!

Love, Maritza (Esperanza & baby)

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  1. Lydia Smith (Houston) on June 4, 2009 at 2:59 am

    Hi, long time since we’ve connected. It’s Lydia from the Abraham Hicks meetup in Houston. I love what you are up to. I was thinking you could name him either Abraham, or whatever that name is translated in Spanish or Joy in Spanish, what is that Joia?

    I got a puppy a year ago Christmas after a full year of speaking about Joy, from the Abraham teachings. So I decided that I would name my puppy Joy once I picked one out. When I found one that had been born in Blessing, TX of all places, I found out that the 12 year old son who breed the dogs, had already named the little female I wanted Joy. So I actually found JOY, in Blessing, TX. It was such a law of attraction story, I just had to share. She has definitely been my new Joy over the past year and 1/2. Hope to reconnect soon.

    Here’s what I’ve been up to.

    Talk to you soon.


  2. Jeffrey on June 4, 2009 at 4:51 pm


    I’m reaching into my Portuguese roots and thinking something like Coragem would be nice plus you could easily shorten it to Cory (which means God’s Peace).

    I think ‘coragem’ has a lot to do with what you teach and what it takes to bring something into the world, the contracting and expanding.

    Thanks for sharing this great moment with us. It put a huge smile on my face and is in the back of my mind as I push forward through the sometimes difficult and sometimes incredibly exciting days!

    All the best,


  3. Carol Giambri on June 4, 2009 at 6:01 pm

    I love your dog story Lydia. Seems like we can all see the blessing of different animals in our life whether it be a horse, dog, or others. I’m a dog lover. I love your Joy story coming from Blessed, TX. I adopted a Molly. We were told her name was Molly so we called her what the pound said was her identity at a year old. She should have been put down a while before we came in as she extended her stay, but we were blessed to get her. It turns out her legal papers sent us showed her name being “Lucky.” No wonder in the beginning why she didn’t come by Molly and we were told she didn’t behave well. They were totally wrong. She listens great. Very obedient. We are the LUCKY parents who own Molly and call her Molly. She is everything you would ever want in a great dog. I wouldn’t trade Molly for anything. To keep her healthy I choose to call her a “healthnut” and lives and loves “game meat such as elk, deer” as long as it is available during the season. I usually buy in large quantities hoping I have enough to keep me till the new season meat becomes available. Why go to pet stores to buy wonderful abandoned animals where the local shelters have what you need at very reasonable prices if there is a charge? Oh, get a pet only if you plan on keeping it. They are not throw away or throw back toys.

  4. Carol Giambri on June 4, 2009 at 8:24 pm

    Love that we are all continuing to be excited about your baby horse. We are seeing the benefits too of online relationships: showing a caring attitude, offering suggestions even without money exchanged, but realizing we are all in this together. A name will always follow us so let’s name that horse one that follows greatness all the day of his life. We need to protect our name and keep it clean cut even if we don’t know who we are giving money to or others who are investing in us. Keep it clean so that your nose and name will follow you in the same direction: greater places and higher up with the desires of our hearts I pray for us all.

  5. John Boyle on June 4, 2009 at 9:23 pm

    Maritza, Thank you for sharing this amazing blessing with us all. For me it was a very timely reminder of where I should keep my focus, and that is on all the miraculous blessings that surround us everyday. I can’t describe how touching it is to see the new baby lying there under it’s mother’s protective eye. You are obviously very close to your animals, otherwise I imagine they would not let you get so close at a time like this. I feel like I am a part of it. Again, thank you for sharing such an incredible moment in your lives, and letting me take part as well. I’m getting ready to show this video to my daughters, I know they will love it.

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