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Monday Morning Motivation: How Many Times Did You Try…?

This is a GREAT video…

How Many Time Did You Try…?

17 different chances to fail and learn!
I find this to be true… and exactly why I tell entrepreneurs I’m coaching to brand themselves and not be attached to their first idea….
Only 1% have the courage…


  1. Maritza on June 14, 2010 at 12:13 pm

    The thing is… no one “sees” the failed tries… they only see the final success! Behind every success there are many TRIES!

  2. Jeff on June 14, 2010 at 12:16 pm

    OMG this is so true – so many people give up after the first try

    do you give up on a baby when the baby does not walk the first time – does the baby give up?

    do you give up on a kid the first time they try to ride a bike without training wheels – does the kid give up?

    did you give up the first time you tried to drive a car?

    do you give up on anything that is important and that you are committed to when you hit bumps at first?

    This reminds me of the Japanese proverb. one of my favorites:

    “Fall down seven times, get up eight”

    ~ Jeff

  3. Liz on June 14, 2010 at 3:10 pm

    Wonderful lessons to learn, specially on a Monday Morning to start the week right.
    Stay away from people and circumstances who want to zap your energy away: the energy vampires. Keep reinventing and find the right path. Keep moving and keep going.Be part of the 1% of people who have the courage and the ability to create and grow to be amazing entrepreneurs. Trust your instincts and apply your talents.
    Thank you Maritza for the awesome video. I’m off to work with even more enthusiasm.

  4. Val Wilcox on June 14, 2010 at 5:47 pm

    Thanks for the inspirational Monday Motivation video. Staying around people who have a mindset of Yes I Can is so important. This is a great message to share!

    Thanks for sharing this today,
    Val 🙂

  5. prabhakar reddy on June 15, 2010 at 2:50 am

    this is really agood inspirational video, yes by seeing this video evey one will think that he wnats to be in 1% courage list.

  6. Hadlee on June 15, 2010 at 3:30 pm

    Wonderful lessons to learn, specially on a Monday Morning to start the week right.Stay away from people and circumstances who want to zap your energy away: the energy vampires. Keep reinventing and find the right path. Keep moving and keep going.Be part of the 1% of people who have the courage and the ability to create and grow to be amazing entrepreneurs. Trust your instincts and apply your talents.Thank you Maritza for the awesome video. I’m off to work with even more enthusiasm.

  7. Roz Fruchtman on June 16, 2010 at 6:59 am

    Thanks Maritza:

    I came over to see your blog setup as I am using the FlexxPro theme and trying to customize it to my own liking.

    I happened on this video and it came just at the right time. I’m trying one thing, that does not work, then something else and that does not work. Eventually the blog is shaping up, but it’s all new experience with this theme. Each time I learn something new that I can use for the next one! It’s just been so exasperating cause I thought it would have been easier. The thing that is creating all the drama is that I am trying to customize it to my own liking! 😉 In the end I might have to change to a different theme! LOL

    Thanks again for the video inspiration. NOTHING worthwhile comes easy! 😉

    Roz Fruchtman
    Say It With eCards

  8. Maritza on June 21, 2010 at 1:37 pm

    Thanks for your comment Val! I think my life really changed when I make it a point to hang out with more “Yes & I Can” kind of people. It is SO important and so few people make it a point…

  9. Maritza on June 21, 2010 at 1:41 pm

    Roz, It’s so nice to see you here! Your words are so true…

    “NOTHING worthwhile comes easy!”

    and a teeny tiny itsy bitsy word of warning from me (because I am SO much like you!) be careful not to “tweak” your blog stuff so much to your liking that you forget the real goal – to having a thriving business that gives tons of value and makes tons of money in return…


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