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My Mastermind Rant – Focus on One Business First!

I’m grouchy.

A couple of weeks ago, I attended a Mastermind meeting with some incredibly successful entrepreneurs making millions a year… The very last person who shared told us all a very different story. Instead of focusing on ONE business and becoming successful at that, he had been trying to branch out to 5 different business niches over tha past couple of years. It was no surprise that he was making absolutely no money.

In fact, he was in a really bad place.

We all gave him tons of advice and asked him to please email us with what he promised he was going to do with the advice. (Million-Dollar advice from all of us, I might add)

We haven’t heard from him.

These are my thoughts about chasing too many businesses at once. Jeff filmed this at our Beach House on the balcony, so it’s pretty darn loud (and actually inspired me to begin using the Kodak Zi8 with a lavolier mic – which works incredibly – so please excuse the windy-ness)

We were just talking about this and it made me so angry and sad and so Jeff said “Let me just tape you on your rant…”

I suggested he begin with ONE niche, one way to add value, one product… ONE and then use Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Ezine Articles (They’re all FREE!!!)  to drive traffic to the site wherever his optin page (and offer) are… AND to stop thinking it will be INSTANT. Everyone thinks you can just slap up a page with an offer and (theme music to “Field of Dreams”) they will come… and if they come… they will buy…

Not so much.

They probably won’t buy at first, so you must Look at what’s really happening (Google Analytics can help you with that), see where the breakdown is happening & TEST.

* Are they coming to your site and not signing up? Change the optin offer to a more compelling & juicy one.

* Are they not buying, once they’re in your list community? Talk more about the benefits… Really do your homework on this one. Find some case studies so people can see the results.

* Are you doing any live online events so people can get to know you? Use a free teleseminar line or try the free trial of a webinar service (and be sure to press “record” to have something you can use over and over…) and do your presentation over and over until you nail it.

* Play the theme song to Rocky (or whatever moves you) to get pumped up each morning and keep moving forward with focus and faith.

Have you had failures…?

C’MON… it’s time to get over it and do whatever it takes to move forward. We all have. The most successful people have also had the most failures.

During that Mastermind, I got out of my chair several times, my arms swinging wildly, my voice getting louder trying to get him to see that he’s been chasing too many things at once… no wonder he’s not getting ANYWHERE.

Your past failures (and even your wild successes!) do NOT define you. The only thing that defines you is what you choose to do NOW.


  1. Jeff Herring on March 12, 2010 at 1:31 pm

    When I first started on the internet, I thought I too would have multiple sites and multiple niches so I would have multiple streams of income.

    What I ended up with is multiple fatigue and multiple frustration…

    If this guy would only pick one and go an inch wide and a mile deep he would have a so much greater chance of success…


  2. Maritza on March 12, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    And Jeff, if there’s anyone I know who can dust his knees off and keep moving forward with renewed focus & faith… it is you.

    When I’m having a bad, knees-to-the-ground kind of day, I have to move (take a walk, a light run, something), journal about the things I can appreciate now, compare my life to the majority of the world (which works and FAST) and my old reliable… theme song to Rocky… and I imagine myself punching all the obstacles away. Silly, I know but it works for me.

  3. kuchkonaru on March 12, 2010 at 1:50 pm

    Valuable thoughts and advices. I read your topic with great interest.

  4. Katrina Marie on March 12, 2010 at 3:45 pm

    Hey Maritz,

    I am glad that Jeff let you rant on camara and you blogged about it.
    So you will be nice and calm by noon when we do our Interview…lol 😉

    Good Advice….Hmmmmm I seem to remember getting that kick in the pants from you as well….lol

    Hopefully you will be pleased with my direction and focus…and I will be one of your new star students.

    Talk to ya soon,


  5. Angela on March 12, 2010 at 6:09 pm

    Maritza, I am so glad you were grouchy. I love to hear you say with such passion, focus, focus, laser focus on your target. It is a message that I need to hear often because I tend to get distracted by bright and shiny objects and staying focused takes an effort on my part. It is one of the very important lessons that I have learned from you. By the way, beautiful place and the wind adds to your energy.

  6. Lisa Marie Mary on March 12, 2010 at 8:53 pm

    Whoa! You are in my head today – or more like, you need to be! I’ve been on this same thought track today and scolding myself, for once again doing too dang much! And not getting where I want to be! Thanks so much for validating, confirming, and making stronger those thoughts that have been whirling about in my brain today! Awesome!!

  7. Scott Tousignant on March 12, 2010 at 10:13 pm

    Great points Maritza. I love Jeff’s comment about going after multiple niches and ending up with multiple frustrations 😉

    Some people can do it if they have mastered the art of throwing loads of traffic at sites in multiple niches that convert well. But that’s almost like having one business which is the traffic business and they mastered it.

    If you are into relationship building, social media, and love to connect with your customers it would be beyond frustrating to try and manage all of it.

    I love sticking with the one niche and delivering multiple products to various subniches within my niche based on their requests. And there’s different levels of service that I can offer just this one niche all the way from free reports up to a Private one on one weekend at our home.

    I just want to be me and share what I know best and share it in the ways that I am most comfortable with, which is usually through video and engaging with my audience.

    When it comes to Internet Marketing I find that many newcomers treat it more like a hobby rather than a business. No one in their right mind would try to open up a coffee shop, a clothing store, a garbage disposal service, a tattoo parlor, and an electronic store all at once and expect to succeed. Why take that approach with Internet Marketing?

    Hmmm… Now I feel like ranting 🙂

    Miss you guys. Let’s connect.

    Scott Tousignant

  8. Janice on March 13, 2010 at 4:44 am

    Great rant, and I didn’t even watch the video (just read the post.)

  9. Karen Bain on March 14, 2010 at 1:12 am

    One day at a time.
    One hour at a time.
    Everyday put something…
    something… toward your goal.

    Good Luck.

  10. Sheri Dresser on March 14, 2010 at 4:25 am


    Thank so much for the “ranting” and to Jeff for taping it and adding the “inch wide – mile deep” comments. Much needed advice to take to heart for so many (especially including me)! Great wisdom. Appreciate you both and learning so much from you…

  11. Danielle on March 15, 2010 at 8:38 pm

    You inspire me!! You are fabulous! I have trimmed my business today down to one niche! It is a little scary. I was just like Jeff and thought the multiple website for multiple stream of income. Now I am only doing one niche!

  12. Dave on April 26, 2010 at 10:48 pm

    Maritza, I am so glad you were grouchy. I love to hear you say with such passion, focus, focus, laser focus on your target. It is a message that I need to hear often because I tend to get distracted by bright and shiny objects and staying focused takes an effort on my part. It is one of the very important lessons that I have learned from you. By the way, beautiful place and the wind adds to your energy.

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